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摘要点击 3935  全文点击 1287  投稿时间:2020-07-31  修订日期:2020-10-23
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中文关键词  臭氧  气象因素  变化特征  江西省  后向轨迹聚类分析  潜在源贡献
英文关键词  ozone pollution  meteorological factor  variation characteristic  Jiangxi Province  backward trajectory cluster analysis  potential source contribution
钱悦 江西省生态气象中心, 南昌 330096 qy_yue@126.com 
许彬 江西省气候中心, 南昌 330096  
夏玲君 江西省生态气象中心, 南昌 330096 32899694@qq.com 
陈燕玲 江西省生态气象中心, 南昌 330096  
邓力琛 江西省生态气象中心, 南昌 330096  
王欢 江西省生态气象中心, 南昌 330096  
张根 中国气象科学研究院, 灾害天气国家重点实验室, 北京 100081 zhanggen@cma.gov.cn 
      利用2016~2019年生态环境部环境监测总站提供的江西省11个设区市的监测数据及同期的国家气象观测站常规观测资料,研究江西省臭氧污染特征与气象因子的关系.结果表明,江西省近几年臭氧污染日益严重,2016年全省臭氧(日最大8 h滑动平均值)平均浓度为80.1 μg·m-3,到2019年上升至98.2 μg·m-3,平均年增长率为6 μg·m-3.2019年江西省11个设区市O3超标总天数为475 d,占总超标天数的72.6%.2016~2018年O3月平均浓度具有典型的季节变化特征:夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季,2019年秋季由于降水量显著减少、日照时数增多和气温升高等气象条件导致秋季近地面臭氧浓度异常升高,其平均浓度高于其它季节.臭氧浓度总体与气温、日照时数呈正相关,与相对湿度呈负相关,当气温高于30℃、相对湿度在20%~40%区间、风速在2~3 m·s-1区间时易出现高浓度臭氧污染.江西省臭氧浓度呈现一定的空间分布特征:赣东北地区低于其他地区,南部城市高于北部城市.其中,赣州市臭氧污染较为严重,其2019年平均浓度居全省最高,为104.2 μg·m-3.基于后向轨迹HYSPLIT模型和潜在源解析PSCF对赣州市进行分析,研究结果表明赣州市臭氧污染的主要潜在贡献源区存在一定的季节差异:春季臭氧污染的外来输送源主要来自广东中部和江西北部地区,夏季主要来自江西北部地区,而秋季则主要来自广东北部和安徽中部地区.
      Based on the pollutant data provided by the environmental monitoring stations and the routine observation data of 11 national meteorological stations in Jiangxi Province from 2016 to 2019, the characteristics of ozone pollution and the relationships with meteorological factors were investigated in this study. The results showed that ozone pollution has become increasingly severe in Jiangxi Province in recent years. The annual mean concentration of ozone in Jiangxi Province (the maximum daily 8 h average) was 80.1 μg·m-3 in 2016 and reached up to 98.2 μg·m-3 in 2019, with an average annual growth rate of 6 μg·m-3. The number of over-standard days of ozone was 475 d, accounting for 72.6% of 2019 in Jiangxi Province. The average concentrations observed in summer were higher than those observed in the other seasons during 2016 to 2018, but in 2019, higher ozone concentrations were observed in autumn owing to the lower precipitation, more sufficient sunshine, and the resulting higher air temperature. Overall, the ozone concentrations were found to be positively correlated with air temperature and sunshine but negatively correlated with relative humidity in Jiangxi Province. A high ozone concentration usually appeared with an air temperature higher than 30℃, relative humidity of 20%-40%, and wind speed of 2-3 m·s-1. The spatial distribution of the ozone concentrations exhibited distinct characteristics with higher values observed in southern Jiangxi relative to those in the northern areas and lower values in northeastern Jiangxi compared with those in other regions. More serious ozone pollution was found in Ganzhou among the 11 cities in Jiangxi Province, with the highest annual concentration of 104.2 μg·m-3 observed in 2019. The results of the model analyses, including the HYSPLIT backward trajectory model and potential source contribution function model, indicated that there was a significant difference in the potential source contribution of ozone pollution in Ganzhou on seasonal scales, specifically in central Guangdong and the northwest of Jiangxi Province in spring, the northwest parts of Jiangxi Province in summer, and the north of Guangdong and central Anhui Province in autumn.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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