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摘要点击 2480  全文点击 1191  投稿时间:2015-12-12  修订日期:2016-01-14
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中文关键词  滴水湖  类二 英类多氯联苯  沉积物  来源  生态风险
英文关键词  Dishui Lake  dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs)  sediments  source  ecological risk
王薛平 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241 119613756@qq.com 
黄星 华东师范大学河口海岸科学研究院, 河口海岸学国家重点实验室, 上海 200241  
毕春娟 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241 cjbi@geo.ecnu.edu.cn 
贾晋璞 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241  
郭雪 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241  
陈振楼 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院, 上海 200241  
      为了解城市人工湖泊中多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染状况,利用GC/MS技术测定了滴水湖及其环湖水系沉积物、土壤中14种PCBs的含量,并对其分布特征、来源和生态风险进行了探讨与分析.结果表明,滴水湖及其环湖水系沉积物、周边农田土壤中∑14 PCBs含量分别为0.65~16.41 ng·g-1(以干重计)和0.47~1.27 ng·g-1,总体处于较低污染水平.但环湖水系表层沉积物高于湖区表层及柱样沉积物中PCBs含量,引水过程可能会对湖区造成污染.湖区沉积物中PCBs随深度增加而降低,表明自成湖以来湖区沉积物中PCBs有污染加剧的趋势.研究区沉积物、土壤中PCBs均以四氯联苯(Tetra-CBs)和五氯联苯(Penta-CBs)为主,分别占∑14 PCBs的20.65%和67.12%,主要特征单体为PCB105、PCB118和PCB77.主成分分析(PCA)结果表明,PCBs主要来源于国产2号、1号PCB产品的使用残留、城市固废焚烧及煤、木材的燃烧排放.研究区沉积物及土壤中12种类二英类多氯联苯(DL-PCBs)的毒性当量浓度(TEQs)为0.01~79.40 pg·g-1,其中环湖水系及湖区表层沉积物有7个样点中DL-PCBs-TEQs超过了美国EPA沉积物质量指导值(ISQGs),可能对水生生物产生毒性影响,应当引起重视.
      In order to investigate the pollution levels of PCBs in urban artificial lake, fourteen PCB congeners in sediments and soils of Dishui Lake and its river system were quantified by GC/MS, and then the distributions, sources and ecological risk of PCBs were discussed. The results showed that the concentrations of ∑14 PCBs in sediments and soils ranged from 0.65-16.41 ng·g-1 (dry weight, dw) and 0.47-1.27 ng·g-1, respectively, which were at a low level in general. Higher concentrations of PCBs were found in surface sediments from the river system of Dishui Lake than those in surface and core sediments from Dishui Lake, which indicated that the sediments in Dishui Lake would be polluted by the river system in the process of diversion. The concentrations of PCBs in core sediments decreased with depth, which showed that the sediments of Dishui Lake had been polluted by PCBs since its completion. In all samples, Tetra-CBs and Penta-CBs accounted for 20.65% and 67.12% of ∑14 PCBs, respectively, and PCB105, PCB118 and PCB77 were the dominant compounds. The results of source apportionment by principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that PCBs in sediments and soils from Dishui Lake and its river system were influenced by the historical cumulative emissions of 2#, 1# PCBs used in China and municipal solid waste incineration and combustion sources. The toxic equivalents (TEQs) of 12 (DL-PCBs) ranged from 0.01-79.40 pg·g-1, and the TEQs in 7 samples of surface sediments from Dishui Lake and its river system were beyond the interim sediments quality guidelines (ISQGs) suggested by USEPA, which would result in potential eco-toxicological risks for aquatic organisms.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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