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摘要点击 1161  全文点击 1363  投稿时间:2000-07-29  
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中文关键词  氟释放  粘粒矿物  高温
英文关键词  fluoride emission  soil minerals  high temperature
吴卫红 浙江大学土水资源与环境研究所,杭州310029 
谢正苗 浙江大学土水资源与环境研究所,杭州310029 
徐建明 浙江大学土水资源与环境研究所,杭州310029 
刘超 浙江大学土水资源与环境研究所,杭州310029 
      The emission characteristics of fluoride pollutants from montmorillonite, kaolinite, vermiculite, geothite and allophane were studied to elucidate the mechanism of fluoride releasing from soils during brick and tile making at high temperatures from 300℃ to 1000℃. The rate of fluoride emission varied with temperature, mineral type, heating time, specific surface area and cations added to minerals. The escape of crystalline water resulting from crystal lattice collapse at a certain high temperature was found to affect the rate of fluoride emission. Calcium compounds could decrease fluoride emission rate from montmorillonite. At 800℃, the rate of fluoride emission from Ca treated montmorillonite decreased by 59.6% compared to untreated montmorillonite. The order for fluoride fixing capacity of the 5 calcium compounds at 800℃ was as follows: CaCO3>CaO>Ca3(PO4)2>Ca(OH)2>CaSO4.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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