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泰山顶(1534 m)夏季气溶胶粒径分布特征
摘要点击 1782  全文点击 921  投稿时间:2018-09-26  修订日期:2018-11-19
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中文关键词  泰山  数浓度  粒径分布  气溶胶  气象要素
英文关键词  Mountain Taishan  number concentration  size distribution  aerosol  meteorological element
沈利娟 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044 shenlijuan_428@163.com 
王红磊 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044
上海市大气颗粒物污染防治重点实验室, 上海 200000 
银燕 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044  
陈魁 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044  
陈景华 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044
河北省气象与生态环境重点实验室, 石家庄 050000 
施双双 南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 中国气象局气溶胶-云-降水重点开放实验室, 南京 210044  
      使用宽范围粒径谱仪对泰山顶2017年6月1~25日10 nm~10 μm气溶胶数浓度粒径分布进行观测,结合PM(PM2.5和PM10)以及气象要素数据,分析了泰山顶气溶胶粒径分布特征及其主要影响因素.结果表明,观测期间泰山PM2.5和PM10的平均浓度分别为20.7 μg·m-3和82.4 μg·m-3,PM2.5/PM10仅为25.1%.数浓度、表面积浓度和体积分数平均为8672.8 cm-3、408.3μm2·cm-3和24.2μm3·cm-3.数浓度谱分布为单峰型分布,表面积浓度和体积分数谱分布均为三峰型分布.数浓度和表面积浓度的主导粒径分别为10~20 nm和100~500 nm,体积分数的主导粒径为100~500 nm和2.5~10 μm.风向对PM和数浓度的影响要比风速的影响大.随着RH的增加,气溶胶数浓度谱由双峰型分布转变为单峰型分布,表面积浓度谱由单峰型分布转变为三峰型分布.
      In this study, the size distribution of aerosol number concentration (10 nm-10μm), particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), and meteorological data were collected from June 1 to 25, 2017, at the summit of Mountain Taishan by using a wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS), a β-ray continuous ambient particulate monitor, and an automatic weather station. Consequently, the characteristic of the aerosol size distribution and their impact factors were analyzed. The results indicated that the average mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 were 20.7 μg·m-3 and 82.4 μg·m-3, respectively, and the ratio of PM2.5/PM10 was only 25.1%. The average number concentration, surface area concentration, and volume concentration were 8672.8 cm-3, 408.3μm2·cm-3, and 24.2μm3·cm-3, respectively. The spectrum distribution was unimodal for number concentration, and trimodal for surface area and volume concentration. The dominant sizes of the number concentration and the surface area concentration were located at 10-20 nm and 100-500 nm, respectively. The volume concentration had dominant sizes at 100-500 nm and 2.5-10 μm. Wind direction was proved to have a greater influence on PM and number concentration compared with wind speed. With the enhancement of RH, the spectrum of number concentration was converted from bimodal to unimodal distribution, while the surface area concentration changed from unimodal to trimodal distribution.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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