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中文关键词  双季稻  硅肥  镉(Cd)  生物有效性  迁移转运
英文关键词  double cropping rice  silicon fertilizers  cadmium(Cd)  bioavailability  migration and transformation
彭华 湖南省农业科学院, 湖南省农业环境生态研究所, 长沙 410125
农业农村部长江中游平原农业环境重点实验室, 长沙 410125
稻田土壤重金属污染防控与修复湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410125 
邓凯 湖南省农业科学院, 湖南省农业环境生态研究所, 长沙 410125
农业农村部长江中游平原农业环境重点实验室, 长沙 410125
稻田土壤重金属污染防控与修复湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410125 
石宇 湖南湘西州农业农村局土壤肥料工作站, 吉首 416000  
魏维 湖南大学隆平分院, 长沙 410000  
柳赛花 湖南省农业科学院, 湖南省农业环境生态研究所, 长沙 410125
农业农村部长江中游平原农业环境重点实验室, 长沙 410125
稻田土壤重金属污染防控与修复湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410125 
纪雄辉 湖南省农业科学院, 湖南省农业环境生态研究所, 长沙 410125
农业农村部长江中游平原农业环境重点实验室, 长沙 410125
稻田土壤重金属污染防控与修复湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410125
湖南大学隆平分院, 长沙 410000 
      为研究硅肥对土壤镉生物有效性以及双季稻对镉硅积累的影响,在稻田土壤镉较高[ω(总Cd)为1.03 mg·kg-1]污染条件下,开展双季稻连续基施硅肥180 kg·hm-2(以SiO2计)的田间定位试验.结果表明,双季稻田连续施用硅肥能够增加土壤有效硅含量,增幅为108.1%~275.0%,同时提高土壤1.15~1.33个pH单位,施用硅肥早、晚稻土壤DTPA-Cd含量降幅分别为12.3%和15.9%,差异达显著水平;施硅促进了土壤镉向稳定形态的转化,土壤可交换态EXC-Cd含量降幅为2.6%~5.1%,QW处理降低达显著水平;施硅肥处理,碳酸盐结合态CAR-Cd含量降低,降幅为8.6%~24.9%,显著增加了铁锰氧化态FMO-Cd含量,增加了土壤有机结合态OR-Cd含量,增幅为2.3%~12.8%,残渣态RES-Cd含量增幅为2.3%~6.0%;连续施硅肥降低了水稻对镉的积累,早稻根、茎叶和稻米平均降幅分别为38.4%、49.7%和50.9%,晚稻根、茎叶和稻米平均降幅分别为30.6%、34.4%和39.2%;硅处理显著降低了水稻根吸收系数(AF土/根),降幅为25.5%~49.6%,同时降低了水稻根向茎叶的转运系数(T根/茎叶),降幅为13.5%~52.6%,差异显著,早、晚稻稻米镉富集系数(BAF)分别平均降低6.0%和8.0%,其中粉末状硅肥对降低水稻镉吸收效果最佳.综上表明硅肥能够降低水稻对镉的吸收积累,然而硅肥持续性降镉效应不明显.
      The impacts of silicon (Si) fertilizers on cadmium (Cd) bioavailability in soil and Cd accumulation in paddy-rice plants were investigated in a field positioning test. The results indicated that the continuous application of 180 kg·hm-2 Si fertilizers improved soil bioavailable Si in paddy-rice fields by 108.1%-275.0% and improved pH values by 1.15-1.33 in soil. The difference in the contents of DTPA-Cd in soil by 12.3% and 15.9% was significant in early and late rice, respectively. The continuous application of silicon promoted the transformation of soil cadmium to a stable form and reduced the contents of exchangeable Cd and carbonate binding state Cd in the soil by 2.6%-5.1% and 8.6%-24.9%. The contents of ferric manganese oxide binding state Cd were increased significantly; meanwhile, the contents of organic binding state Cd and residue state Cd in soil were improved by 2.3%-12.8% and 2.3%-6.0%, respectively. The contents of Cd in the root, shoot, and rice were reduced by 38.4%, 49.7%, and 50.9% in early season rice and by 30.6%, 34.4%, and 39.2% in late season rice, respectively. The absorption factors and translocation factors were reduced significantly by 25.5%-49.6% and 13.5%-52.6%, and the average bioaccumulation factors were decreased by 6.0% and 8.0% in early and late season rice. The powder Si fertilizer had the best results overall. In conclusion, Si fertilizer could reduce the absorption and accumulation in rice; however, the continuous Cd reduction effect of continuous application Si fertilizer was not obvious.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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