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摘要点击 3361  全文点击 1355  投稿时间:2014-06-04  修订日期:2014-08-12
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中文关键词  生物有效磷  可被生物利用颗粒态磷  内源磷  叶绿素a  太湖
英文关键词  biological available phosphorus  bioavailable particulate phosphorus  sedimentary phosphorus  chlorophyll a  Taihu Lake
汪明 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009 andy5147@126.com 
武晓飞 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009  
李大鹏 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009 ustsldp@163.com 
李祥 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009  
黄勇 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215009  
      以太湖梅梁湾为研究对象,2013年对水体中不同形态磷和藻类进行了逐月观测,探讨了风浪扰动和藻类生长双重影响条件下不同形态磷间转化规律以及藻类生长和不同形态磷含量间的内在联系. 结果表明,梅梁湾水体中总磷(TP)、颗粒态磷(PP)、溶解性总磷(DTP)、溶解性磷酸盐(DIP)和生物有效磷(BAP)均呈现出"夏秋高"、"冬春低"的周年变化规律,藻类生长也呈现了类似规律,而溶解性有机磷(DOP)和可被生物利用颗粒态磷(BAPP)的变化规律并不规则. 颗粒态磷生物有效性(BAPP/PP)在6~10月期间仅为12.75%,显著低于年度平均值37.14%. 这可归因于沉积物频繁扰动下内源磷固定效应以及藻类生物吸收作用加快了颗粒态磷向溶解态磷的转化. 在此期间,DTP占BAP的质量分数高达69.33%(平均值),明显高于BAPP(30.67%,平均值),也高于DTP的周年平均值(56.63%),其也是藻类生长旺盛季节.
      Based on the monthly investigations of different forms of phosphorus(P) and algae growth from January to December 2013 in Meiliang bay of Taihu Lake, the transformation of different P forms and the relationship between different P forms and algae growth was investigated under the dual conditions of disturbance due to wind and wave and algae growth. Results of the total P(TP), particulate P(PP), dissolved total P(DTP), dissolved inorganic P(DIP) and bioavailable P(BAP) showed that the monthly concentrations reached the maximum in summer and autumn while the minimum in winter and spring. In addition, the algae growth showed the same trends as above. However, no variation was found in the dissolved organic P(DOP) and bioavailable particulate P(BAPP). The bioavailability of PP was only 12.75% from June to October, which was obviously lower than the annual mean(37.14%). It was attributed to the acceleration on the transformation of PP to DTP due to the immobilization of sedimentary P under sediment disturbance and algae adsorption. The percentage of DTP in BAP was up to 69.33%(average), which was obviously higher than the percentage of bioavailable PP(30.66%, average) and the annual mean(56.63%) of DTP during the interval. In addition, the algae bloom appeared in the interval.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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