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摘要点击 3740  全文点击 1327  投稿时间:2012-08-07  修订日期:2012-09-18
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中文关键词  挥发性有机物  制药行业  最大增量活性因子  臭氧产生潜力  健康风险评价
英文关键词  volatile organic compounds (VOCs)  pharmaceutical industry  maximum incremental reactivity (MIR)  ozone formation potentials (OFP)  health risk assessment
徐志荣 浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,杭州 310007 zhirong.x@gmail.com 
王浙明 浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,杭州 310007  
许明珠 浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院,杭州 310007  
何华飞 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院,杭州 310014  
      以浙江省4类制药工艺8家大型制药企业排放的挥发性有机物(VOCs)为基础,通过国际公认的臭氧产生潜力和健康风险评价指标对制药行业排放VOCs所产生的环境与健康危害进行了初步的评估. 结果表明,制药行业排放VOCs的臭氧产生最大潜力介于16.1~79.2 mL·m-3之间,主要贡献物为乙酸乙酯、丙酮、甲苯、二甲苯等9种物质,其中4种为VOCs排放特征中的主要污染物. 另外,VOCs产生的健康危害主要是苯、环氧乙烷、甲醛及二氯甲烷这4种致癌物造成,占非致癌风险评估值的69%以上,占致癌风险值的100%. 此外,通过对排放特征、臭氧产生潜力及健康风险评价比较发现,在制定VOCs排放标准时,特别是控制因子的筛选中不能忽视VOCs所产生的环境与健康危害.
      In the present study, the main source and characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released from pharmaceutical industry in Zhejiang Province were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on these results, the internationally recognized evaluation model for health risk assessment and ozone formation potentials (OFP) was adopted to preliminarily assess the environmental impact and health risk of those VOCs. The results showed that the OFP of VOCs was in the range of 16.1-79.2 mL·m-3, based on the maximum incremental reactivity. The principal contribution of VOCs was from nine kinds of substances including ethyl acetate, acetone, toluene and xylene, etc. Moreover, the health risk of VOCs was mainly generated from benzene, ethylene oxide, dichloromethane and formaldehyde owing to their carcinogenicity, which could account for more than 69% in the value of non-carcinogenic risk and 100% in the cancer risk. Additionally, according to the comparison of these assessments, the environmental hazards and health risk produced by VOCs could not be neglected during the development of VOCs emissions standards, especially in the screening of the control factors for the standards.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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