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摘要点击 2583  全文点击 1505  投稿时间:2011-06-02  修订日期:2011-08-17
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中文关键词  生物质炭  氯虫苯甲酰胺  土壤  吸附  消解
英文关键词  biochar  chlorantraniliprole  soil  adsorption  dissipation
王廷廷 江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全检测研究所农业部食品安全监控重点开放实验室,南京 210014
广西大学农药与环境毒理研究所,南宁 530005 
余向阳 江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全检测研究所农业部食品安全监控重点开放实验室,南京 210014 yu981190@hotmail.com 
沈燕 江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全检测研究所农业部食品安全监控重点开放实验室,南京 210014  
张超兰 广西大学环境学院,南宁 530005  
刘贤进 江苏省农业科学院食品质量安全检测研究所农业部食品安全监控重点开放实验室,南京 210014  
      分别在黑土、黄壤、红壤、紫色土和潮土中添加0.5%(质量分数)生物质炭,采用批处理等温吸附实验及室内消解实验测定了CAP的吸附等温线及消解动态,目的是揭示不同类型土壤中施用生物质炭对残留CAP的环境行为影响规律,为评估生物质炭田间施用综合生态效应,评价土壤残留CAP的环境污染风险提供理论依据.结果表明,生物质炭施用可提高土壤对CAP的吸附活性,但提高程度因土壤性质不同而异.有机质含量较高的黑土中添加生物质炭,吸附农药Kd值提高了2.17%, 而有机质含量较低的潮土添加等量生物质炭后则提高了139.13%.生物质炭施入土壤后其对农药吸附活性受到不同程度抑制.与施入土壤前比较,生物质炭施入黑土、黄壤、红壤、紫色土和潮土中后吸附常数KF,biochar分别降低了96.94%、90.6%、91.31%、68.26%和34.59%. CAP在黑土、黄壤、红壤、紫色土和潮土中的消解半衰期为115.52、133.30、154.03、144.41和169.06 d,而在添加生物质炭的土壤中消解半衰期分别延长了20.39、35.76、38.51、79.19和119.75 d.与吸附实验结果一致,生物质炭施入黑土对延缓农药土壤消解作用最小,而潮土中施入生物质炭效果最明显.本研究表明生物质炭施入土壤后可增强对农药的吸附作用,延缓农药的土壤消解,但影响程度与土壤性质有关.
      The effects of biochar amendment on sorption and dissipation of chlorantraniliprole (CAP) in 5 different agricultural soils were studied. Red gum wood (Eucalyptus spp.) derived biochar was amended into a black soil, a yellow soil, a red soil, a purplish soil, and a fluvo-aquic soil at the rate of 0.5% (by weight). The sorption and dissipation behaviors of CAP in soils with and without biochar amendment were measured by batch equilibration technique and dissipation kinetic experiment, respectively. The objective was to investigate the impact of biochar application on the environmental fate of pesticides in agricultural soils with different physical-chemical properties, and evaluate the potential ecological impacts of field application of biochar materials. The results showed that biochar application in soils could enhance the sorption of CAP, but the magnitudes were varied among soils with different properties. Amendment of 0.5% (by weight) biochar in the black soil, which have high content of organic matter (4.59%), resulted in an increase of sorption coefficient (Kd) by 2.17%; while for the fluvo-aquic soil with organic matter content of 1.16%, amendment of biochar at the same level led to an increase of 139.13%. The sorption capacity of biochar was partially suppressed when biochar was mixed with soils. The calculated KF,biocharof biochar after mixed in the black soil, yellow soil, red soil, purplish soil, and fluvo-aquic soil were decreased by 96.94%, 90.6%, 91.31%, 68.26%, and 34.59%, respectively, compared to that of the original biochar. The half-lives of CAP in black soil, yellow soil, red soil, purplish soil, and fluvo-aquic soil were 115.52, 133.30, 154.03, 144.41 and 169.06 d, respectively. In soils amended with biochar, the corresponding half-lives of CAP were extended by 20.39, 35.76, 38.51, 79.19, and 119.75 d, respectively. Similar to the effects of biochar on CAP sorption, in soil with higher content of organic matter, the retardation of CAP dissipation by amending biochar was smaller than that in soil with lower content of organic matter. Our results suggested that application of biochar in soils could enhance the sorption and sequestration of CAP, and retard its soil dissipation, but the magnitudes depended on the organic matter content of the soils.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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