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摘要点击 2511  全文点击 1722  投稿时间:2008-11-09  修订日期:2008-12-20
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中文关键词  脱氮  除磷  反硝化除磷  分段进水  A/O
英文关键词  nitrogen removal  phosphorus removal  denitrifying phosphorus removal  step-feed  A/O
王伟 北京工业大学北京市水质科学与水环境恢复重点实验室,北京100124 
      采用分段进水A/O中试处理系统处理低C/N生活污水.为实现同步脱氮除磷,对分段进水A/O工艺进行改进并对改进前后系统的脱氮除磷效率进行评价.改进前分段进水A/O工艺平均TN去除率为66.52%,TP去除率为29.74%;改进后的分段进水A/O工艺不仅可以稳定地实现同步脱氮除磷,在三段进水比为0.45∶0.35∶0.20时,系统平均TP去除率达89.81%,且由于反硝化除磷的强化节省部分碳源,TN去除率达73.61%,比改进前提高7.09%.为验证不同阶段聚磷菌及反硝化聚磷菌在系统内的选择增殖情况,试验对不同运行阶段的活性污泥进行静态厌氧放磷、好氧及缺氧吸磷试验,结果表明,工艺经过改进后,聚磷菌及反硝化聚磷菌均得到较大程度地选择富集.采用改进工艺,污泥最大比好氧吸磷速率[P/(MLSS·t)]由2.34 mg/(g·h)提高到10.67 mg/(g·h),最大比缺氧吸磷速率由0.33 mg/(g·h)提高到2.81 mg/(g·h).
      A pilot-scale step-feed A/O system was used to treat low C/N municipal wastewater. To obtain high quality simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal, a modified step-feed A/O system was developed and the nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency was evaluated between the original and modified system. The result showed that TN removal efficiency was 66.52% and TP removal efficiency was only 29.24% before the modified configuration was applied. When the modified system was adopted, the satisfied simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal was achieved. TP removal efficiency increased to 89.81% and TN removal efficiency was 73.61% when the optimal feeding ratio (0.45∶0.35∶0.20) was applied. Compared to the original configuration, TN removal efficiency increased about 7.09% due to the enhanced denitrifying phosphorus removal, which saved the carbon source for denitrification. To evaluate the selection and dominance of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) and denitrifying polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (DNPAOs), batch test was explored to examine the anaerobic phosphorus release, aerobic and anoxic phosphorus uptake. The result showed that both PAOs and DNPAOs were accumulated gradually when the modified system was applied. The maximal aerobic P uptake rate[P/(MLSS·t)] was increased from 2.34 mg/(g·h) to 10.67 mg/(g·h) and the anoxic P uptake rate was increased from 0.33 mg/(g·h) to 2.81 mg/(g·h) when the modified system was operated.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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