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摘要点击 1984  全文点击 2248  投稿时间:2008-08-14  修订日期:2008-12-30
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中文关键词  模拟实验  过量无机氮  无机碳体系  孔石莼
英文关键词  simulated experiments  macro-nitrogen  inorganic carbon system  Ulva pertusa
张乃星 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
宋金明 中国科学院海洋研究所青岛266071 
郭明克 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
曹丛华 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
任荣珠 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
吴凤丛 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
王尽文 国家海洋局北海预报中心青岛266033 
      通过室内模拟培养,研究了孔石莼存在下过量无机氮对水体无机碳体系变化的影响及其机制.结果表明,无机氮的添加均会导致水体DIC、HCO-3P(CO2)的减少,pH和CO2-3的增加.当NO-3-N和NH+4-N浓度分别低于71 μmol·L-1和49.7 μmol·L-1时,随着营养盐浓度的增加,水体无机碳体系各组分的变化幅度增大,其中以NO3-3和NH4-3组变化最为明显,至实验结束DIC分别较空白组下降了151 μmol·L-1和232 μmol·L-1;当NO-3-N和NH+4-N浓度分别高于355 μmol·L-1和248.5 μmol·L-1时,则随着浓度的增加无机碳各组分的变化幅度减小.对无机碳的减少与孔石莼的生长(Δm)做相关性分析发现,二者密切相关(R=-0.91, P<0.000 1,n=11),当营养盐浓度促进孔石莼的生长时,水体DIC浓度下降,孔石莼干重增加;反之,当营养盐过量时,则会对其产生毒性作用,抑制其对无机碳的吸收.NH+4-N对海水无机碳体系的影响较NO-3-N明显.
      Effects of macronutrient (NO-3-N and NH+4-N) on inorganic carbon system of water with Ulva pertusa existed were studied in laboratory simulation experiments. The results demonstrated that nutrient enrichment induced DIC, HCO-3 and P(CO2) decreased while pH and CO2-3 increased. The seawater changed from carbon source to carbon sink. During the experiments, the concentration of DIC, HCO-3 and p(CO2) decreased with increasing concentration of nutrient when the NO-3-N and NH+4-N were less than critical concentration. The concentration of DIC changed most at the NO3-3 and NH4-3 groups, which decreased 151 μmol·L-1 and 232 μmol·L-1 compared with the control groups in the end of experiment. The increased dry weight of Ulva pertusam) of nutrient addition groups showed a significant negative correlation with ΔDIC (R=-0.91, P<0.000 1,n=11). The main controlling factor to inorganic carbon variation is the adaptation of Ulva pertusa to different DIN. When the concentration of DIN facilitates the growth of Ulva pertusa, the concentration of DIC decreased and dry weight of Ulva pertusa increased. NH+4-N has more influence on inorganic carbon system than NO-3-N.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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