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摘要点击 2312  全文点击 1397  投稿时间:2008-01-25  修订日期:2008-03-18
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中文关键词  垃圾填埋  渗沥控制  腾发覆盖系统  土壤水运动
英文关键词  landfill  percolation control  evapotranspirative cover system  soil water movement
刘川顺 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室武汉430072 
赵慧 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室武汉430072 
罗继武 中国市政工程中南设计研究院武汉430010 
      垃圾填埋场腾发覆盖系统(ET Landfill Cover)是由单一土层和植被构成的简易、低成本、无需管理的生态渗沥控制系统,该系统利用覆盖土层储蓄降水、依靠植物的蒸腾和土壤蒸发消耗土壤水,从而实现渗沥污染控制.通过在武汉大学灌溉排水与水环境综合试验场开展裸土覆盖和5组腾发覆盖的渗沥控制对比试验,并对这6个试验处理进行水量平衡分析,结果发现其中60 cm厚度壤土层和灌木构成的腾发覆盖系统渗沥控制效果比较好,但是试验过程也发现60 cm厚度土层储水能力不足以完全阻止雨量充沛季节形成渗沥液,在旱季也不能向灌木提供充足水分,而是需要灌溉来维持灌木正常生长.因此采用Hydrus 2D软件对不同土层厚度腾发覆盖系统的渗沥控制效果进行数值模拟,结果表明,在武汉地区采用120~140 cm厚度壤土层和灌木构成的腾发覆盖系统是确保渗沥控制效果的经济合理方案.
      An Evapotranspirative Landfill Cover (ET Landfill Cover) is a simple and economical percolation control system that involves a monolithic soil layer with a vegetative cover.Percolation control in an ET cover system relies on the storage of moisture within the cover soils during precipitation events and subsequently returns it to the atmosphere by evapotranspiration.Percolation control experiments of a bare soil cover and 5 different ET covers were implemented in comprehensive experimental station of water environment of Wuhan University and the water balance calculation of each cover system was conducted,the results shown that the ET cover of 60 cm loamy soil layer with shrub was the most effective among the 6 experimental disposals.However,the experiments demonstrated 60 cm thick of soil layer was not enough to prevent percolation during rainy season and keep the shrub alive during drought season without irrigation.So the Hydrus 2D was selected to simulate the soil water movement in ET covers with different cover thicknesses,the simulations shown that the optimal ET cover in Wuhan area should be 120-140 cm loamy soil layer with shrub.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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