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摘要点击 4161  全文点击 2481  投稿时间:2008-01-16  修订日期:2008-03-26
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中文关键词  大型底栖动物  B-IBI指数  健康评价  长江口
英文关键词  benthic macro-invertebrate  B-IBI index  health assessment  Yangzte Estuary
周晓蔚 中国水电工程顾问集团公司北京100011 
王丽萍 华北电力大学可再生能源学院水资源与水利水电工程研究所北京102206 
郑丙辉 中国环境科学研究院河流与海岸带环境研究室北京100012 
刘录三 中国环境科学研究院河流与海岸带环境研究室北京100012 
付青 中国环境科学研究院水环境研究所北京100012 
      A benthic index of biotic integrity(B-IBI) was developed for application in estuaries health assessment of the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent waters. Benthic macro-invertebrate samples were collected from 41 stream sites (13 non-degraded stations and 28 degraded stations) in the Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent waters in July, 2005. The analyses of the range of index value distribution, Pearson correlation and judgment ability were performed on fourteen candidate metrics. Six biological metrics were selected for the establishment of B-IBI, which were Shannon-Wiener index, the species number, total density, total biomass,Carapace Animals density percentage and Echinoderms density percentage. B-IBI was obtained by sum up all these indices after which were transformed into a uniform score by using the ratio scoring method. Base on 50 percentile of B-IBI value in reference sites, the criteria of health ranking was determined. The proposed criteria of benthic-index of biotic integrity were as follows: B-IBI >2.48 was regarded as health, 1.86-2.48 sub-health, 1.24-1.86 fair, 0.62-1.24 poor, and B-IBI<0.62 very poor. Assessing with these criteria, the results showed that among the 41 sites in Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent waters,7 sites were health, 2 sites were sub-health, 8 sites were fair,8 sites were poor and 16 sites were very poor. An independent data set sampled in June of 2006 was used to validate the index, the results indicated that final combined index correctly classified 89% of stations in the validation data set.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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