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液体培养基中添加天然成分对白腐真菌Phanerochaete chrysosporium生长的促进作用
摘要点击 1392  全文点击 1555  投稿时间:2002-09-19  修订日期:2002-12-04
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中文关键词  白腐真菌  培养基  添加剂
英文关键词  white rot fungi  medium  additive
林刚 清华大学环境科学与工程系 北京100084 
文湘华 清华大学环境科学与工程系 北京100084 
钱易 清华大学环境科学与工程系 北京100084 
      通过试验发现,在液体培养基中添加木材、玉米芯、土豆浸出液,对于白腐真菌Phanerochaete chrysosporium的产量提高有极大的促进作用.在外加碳源为10g/L葡萄糖的条件下,经过3d培养,添加浸出液的培养基的小球产量均能够达到80g/L以上,是未添加浸出液的基础培养基的小球产量的5倍.在外加碳源为5g/L葡萄糖时,添加了外源天然浸出液后,3d后小球产量均能达到69.5g/L以上,在未添加任何浸出液的基础培养基中,小球产量很低,并且在葡萄糖浓度1g/L~20g/L时,3d产量在12.5g/L~14.5g/L范围内.添加土豆浸出液的样品容易染菌,添加玉米芯浸出液的样品培养较长时间后容易发生小球膨胀,添加木材浸出液的培养基用于培养白腐真菌小球,产量高、耐其它微生物污染能力强,能在较长时期内保持良好的泥水分离能力,是较好的液体培养生长促进添加剂.木材、玉米芯、土豆浸出液相互混合有利于白腐真菌的生长.用添加木材浸出液的培养基培养白腐真菌,在不同浓度葡萄糖条件下,小球产量的差别在初期并不明显,随着培养时间增加,小球产量差别逐渐增大.木材浸出液对采用培养基培养菌丝小球的作用是刺激生长,并不是提供生长所需要的有机物.
      Great promotion to the reproduction of white rot fungus (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) by adding natural lixiviums such as from wood, maize core and potato in liquid medium was found in this research. Incubated in the liquid medium contained 10g/L glucose as carbon source with natural lixiviums for three days, the production of mycelium pellet reached more than 80g/L, which was 5 times of without natural lixiviums. Incubated in the liquid medium contained 5mg/L glucose as carbon source with natural lixiviums for three days, the production of mycelium pellet can reach 69 5g/L, while the production of medium without natural lixiviums was very low. When the basic medium contained 1g/L~20g/L glucose as carbon source, the production of mycelium pellet in 3 days can only reach 12.5g/L to 14.5g/L. The media with potato lixiviums were easily contaminated and the media with maize core lixiviums were easily bulking, while the media with wood lixiviums were not easily contaminated and bulking. Medium with wood lixiviums can produce more pellet than other medium, endure contamination and keep better sedimentation capacity. So, wood lixivium is better additive to the culture of white rot fungi in liquid medium. Addition of the mixture of wood, maize core and potato lixiviums is of advantage to the production of mycelium pellet. The difference of the production in the media with different amount of wood lixiviums showed little in the first 3 days, while it expanded after 3 days. Wood lixiviums stimulate the growth of P.chrysosporium instead of supply organics which fungi need.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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