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摘要点击 665  全文点击 1077  投稿时间:1996-03-16  
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中文关键词  金银回收  电化学分离  废料处理  铅回收  电解精炼
英文关键词  recovery of Au and Ag  electroche mical separation  treatment of scrap
梁琥琪 上海大学化工学院 上海 200072 
徐扣珍 上海大学化工学院 上海 200072 
陈世 上海大学化工学院 上海 200072 
曹雪琴 上海大学化工学院 上海 200072 
张仲燕 上海大学化工学院 上海 200072 
      研究从含AU、Ag和Pb废料中综合回收AU、Ag和Pb的电化学分离过程。在实验确定的最佳工艺条件(电极组成:70g/LPb2+、100g/L ∑(SiF62-).电解温度40℃,电流密度100A/m2,β-萘酚、骨胶浓度分别为0.002g/L和0.5g/L)下制得了纯度为99%Ph的平滑致密阴极铅沉淀物,铅电流效率大于98%,比电能消耗117kw·h/tPb,AU、Ag进入阳极泥的回收率分别高于99%和98%。
      The electrochemical separation process for comprehensive recovery of gold,silver and lead from An, Ag-containing,scrap was investigated. The smooth and dense cathayic deposit with purity of 99% Ph was prepared by electrochemical separation process under the optimal technological conditions(electrolyte compoSiwhl 70g/L Pb2+,100 g/L total SiF62- solution teoprature:40℃.current densityl 100 A/m2;concentration of β-naphthol tobone glue: 0.002 g/L and 0.5 g/L)experimentlly.The current efficiency of lead was higher than 98%,the speCific electric energy consumption was 117 kW·h/tpb. The recovery of Au and Ag in the anode slime were as high as 99% and 98% respectively.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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