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中文关键词  总悬浮微粒  沥青成分  植物
英文关键词  total suspended particulate  asphaltfraction  plant  accumulation
贺克斌 清华大学环境工程系, 北京 100084 
      在参照美国试验与材料协会标准分析方法(ASTM D4124)的基础上,对邻近高速公路的多种植物样品和大气中总悬浮颗粒样品中的沥青成分极性芳烃(polar aromatics)、环烷芳烃(nanhthene aromatics)和饱和物进行了分析。将分析结果与取自高速公路表面的沥青样品和相应的背景植物样品的分析结果对比得知:3种有机组分在植物中的累积过程中,沥青起了主要作用。在实验所分析的植物样品中,3种有机组分在每g于植物样品中的含量分别为0.29—3.07mg(极性芳烃)、0.89—3.89mg(环烷芳烃)和0.37—1.53mg(饱和物).
      With reference to ASTM D4124,asphalt fractions,including polar aromatics,naphthene aromatics and saturates,were characterized both in various plant samples and in total suspended particulate sample. In comparison to the results of background plant samples and asphalt cement sample from highway surface,it is concluded that asphalt makes the main contributions to the accumulation of the three organic fractions mentioned above in plant species. For the plant samples used in this research,the concentrations of the three fractions are 0.29—3.07mg polar aromatics,0.89—3.89mg naphthene aromatics and 0.37—1.53mg saturates per gram dry plant materials.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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