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摘要点击 1170  全文点击 1098    修订日期:1993-08-11
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中文关键词  湖泊  热结构  蒸发
英文关键词  lake  thermal structure  evaporation
Steven C. Chapra  
      应用一维涡扩散模型计算一年内不同时期的湖泊垂直温度分布和湖水蒸发率。主管方程是同一水平面内均温的一维非定常热传导方程。模型不要求特定的湖泊拟会参数。模型中涡扩散系数通过Richardson数计算,水面热交换用能量平衡法计算,湖底假定为绝热,主管方程用有限差分法求解。对Colorado City湖和Calhoun湖的模拟计算表明:水面温度和温度剖面的计算值与实测值吻合很好,最大差值均在2℃范围内。湖泊年蒸发量的计算值与实测值亦很接近,差值仅为实测值的5%.
      An one-dimentional eddy diffusion model was used for prediction of the annual vertical temperature profile and evaPOration rate of a lake. The governing equation was a non-linear heat transfer equation asstuning horizontal homogeneity. No lake-specific fitting of the Parameters of the model was necessary. Eddy diffusivities were computed with Richardson Number. The heat exchange at the water surface was formulated by the energy balance approach,and the bottom of the lake was considered to be insulated. The governing equation was solved by finite difference. Computation was made for Lakes Colorado City and Calhoun. Quantitative and qualitative agreement between computed and measured temperature profiles was very good, with an error of less than 2℃. The computed annual evaPOration caP8city aPProached the one measured and the difference between them was only 5% of the measurement value.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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