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摘要点击 702  全文点击 682  投稿时间:1990-01-12  
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中文关键词  CARIX工艺  部分除盐  联合去除硝酸盐  硫酸盐和硬度  二氧化碳  饮用水
英文关键词  CARIX process  nitrate  drinking water
龚闻礼 清华大学核能技术研究所 
      The paper describes treatment of drinking water using CARIX ion exchange process. The combined application of a weakacid ion exchanger in the free acid from and an anion exchanger in the bicarbonate from provides a combined removal of nitrate, sulfate and hardness from drinking water. Carbon dioxide is used for the si-multaneous regeneration of both resins. In order to improve the regeneration efficiency of nitrate, the application of additives like CaCO3 or MgO has been studied. The dosage of different quantities of MgO has been investigated with respect to an optimization. MgO should be added at the concentrations above 0.4%. Eurthermore, the usual mixed bed was compared with a compound bed, consisting of several short single beds. Under the raw water conditions of the test, over 50 BV of water could be treated, whereas regeneration required about 5 BV of water.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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