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鳗鲡仔鱼(Anguilla japonica Temn. et Schl.)对铜离子的回避反应
摘要点击 875  全文点击 842  投稿时间:1990-01-17  
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中文关键词  回避反应  鳗鲡仔鱼  铜离子
英文关键词  avoidance  eel larvae  (Anguilla japonica). Copper
朱江 中国科学院动物研究所 
      Theavoidance of ell larvae (Anguilla japonica) in the solution containing copper sulfate (as Cu2+ ) has been studied in a flowing water system under the laboratory conditions: water temperature 16.5 C, pH 7.43, water hardness (CaCO3 and others contained) 220 mg/L and saturation of DO 62-68%. The larvae used for the experiment were collected from the Minjiang River, Fujian Province. Their lengths ranged 46-69.5 mm,and their-weights 174-227 mg. The experiment illustrated that the ell larvae was highly sensitive to copper, because the avoidance action was obserbed at the level of 0.001 ppm of copper ions. However, below the level of 0.001 ppm, the avoidance was not so obvious, but the larvae all avoided the test solution as its concentrations increased to 0.064 ppm. The results indicated that the concentrations of avoidance against copper was much lower than that of MATC derived from acute toxicity test.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
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