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倪栋 北京有色冶金设计研究总院 
      德兴铜矿属世界特大型矿山,每日所徘工业废水超过30万m3/d,其中矿山酸性水中含有大量铁、铜等重金属离子,pH 2-3;选矿厂俳放尾矿浆含高硫碱性水,pH 10-13,本法采用三段法处理,第一段加石灰去除Fe3+,第二段加含硫废水生成硫化物沉淀并回收铜,第三段加碱性废水中和,处理后出水水质达标可回用,并回收了水中的铜。
      Dexin Copper Mine is one of the largest mines in the world. The industrial vvastewater discharged from the mine is more than 300000M3/day. The acidic water from the mine in brown colour contains a lot of heavy metal ions, such as ferric ion and copper ion etc. The pH of acidic water is 2 or 3 while the pH of the tailing slurry and sulfur-bearing basic water discharged from the concentrator is 10 to 13. As it contains comparatively high sulphur ions, this water threatens the environment around the lower reaches of the river and causes big loss of resources.Since Fe3+ in mine acidic water is ten times higher than ropper ion, the addition of lime can remove Fe3+ in the first stage and sulphur-bearing wastewater is added to form sulphide settlings and recover copper in the second stage. In the third stage, the process with addition of basic wastewater for neutralization is adopted and through multitypes of tests, the water can be discharged out or recycled for use. At the same time, copper ion in water can be effectively recovered, thus environmental and economic benefits are achieved.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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