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摘要点击 2223  全文点击 856  投稿时间:2021-05-06  修订日期:2021-06-18
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中文关键词  宁夏地区  地下水  金属元素  分布特征  健康风险
英文关键词  Ningxia region  groundwater  metal elements  distribution characteristics  health risk
王晓东 宁夏大学农学院, 银川 750021 15164720693@163.com 
田伟 宁夏大学农学院, 银川 750021  
张雪艳 宁夏大学农学院, 银川 750021 zhangxueyan123@sina.com 
      为探究宁夏地区地下水中金属元素分布特征及评价其对人类健康的危害.对宁夏地区210组地下水样品中8种金属元素(As、Cr、Al、Cu、Pb、Mn、Fe和Sr)进行分析,分别运用综合污染评价法、多元统计分析和健康风险评价模型揭示了宁夏地下水中金属元素的污染特征、分布状况和健康风险.结果表明,研究区地下水金属元素平均质量浓度排序为:ρ(Sr) > ρ(Al) > ρ(Mn) > ρ(Cu) > ρ(Pb) > ρ(Cr) > ρ(As) > ρ(Fe),其中75.24%的样品中ρ(Sr)达到饮用天然矿泉水国家标准;地下水中ρ(As)76.60 μg·L-1ρ(Cr)145.01 μg·L-1ρ(Pb)59.93 μg·L-1ρ(Mn)734.67 μg·L-1的最大值均高于我国地下水质量标准(GB/T 14848-2017)Ⅲ类水标准限值.与自然对照相比研究区受As和Pb污染较为严重,呈面状分布;Mn和Cr污染相对集中,分别集中在北部黄河两侧和东南部,其余金属均污染较轻.多元统计结果表明,As和Pb污染可能由自然因素、工业活动和大量使用农药引起,Mn污染可能由采用黄河水灌溉引起,Cr污染可能是由石油开采造成.健康风险评价结果表明,饮水途径暴露的健康风险高于皮肤入渗途径且儿童的健康风险高于成人.非致癌健康风险(HI)主要由As经饮水途径引起.研究区内成人和儿童由As和Cr经饮水和皮肤入渗途径暴露的致癌健康风险值均高于最大可接受风险水平(5.0×10-5),Cr对两种途径致癌风险的贡献率均在80%以上.因此从饮用水安全角度考虑,需要重点关注地下水中As和Cr的管控.
      To explore the distribution characteristics of metal elements in groundwater and evaluate the health risks they pose to the population in the Ningxia region of China, a total of 210 groundwater samples were collected, and eight metal elements (As, Cr, Al, Cu, Pb, Mn, Fe, and Sr) in the water samples were analyzed. The pollution characteristics, distribution, and health risks of the metals in the groundwater were revealed by a comprehensive pollution assessment, multivariate statistical analysis, and health risk assessment model, respectively. The results revealed that the mean mass concentrations of metal elements in groundwater from the study area were in the following order:ρ(Sr) > ρ(Al) > ρ(Mn) > ρ(Cu) > ρ(Pb) > ρ(Cr) > ρ(As) > ρ(Fe). The ρ(Sr) content of 75.24% of the samples exceeded that from drinking natural mineral water[0.2 mg·L-1of ρ(Sr)] as per China's standard. The maximum ρ(As) 76.60 μg·L-1, ρ(Cr) 145.01 μg·L-1, ρ(Pb) 59.93 μg·L-1, and ρ(Mn) 734.67 μg·L-1 exceeded the corresponding standard limits. Compared with the natural control, the As and Pb pollution in the study area was more serious, showing a planar distribution. Mn and Cr pollution were relatively concentrated, mainly distributed in the northern Yellow River and southeast, respectively. Other metals were lightly polluted. The results of the multivariate statistical analysis showed that the concentrations of As and Pb pollution may be caused by natural factors, industrial activities, and the use of pesticides. Mn pollution may be caused by irrigation with the Yellow River. Cr pollution may be caused by mining for oil. The health risk assessment showed that the health risk to children was higher than that to adults, and the risk of drinking water exposure was higher than that of skin infiltration exposure. The non-carcinogenic health risk (HI) was mainly caused by As through the drinking water pathway. Due to the pollution of As and Cr, the carcinogenic risk through the drinking water and skin penetration pathways to children and adults in the study area was higher than the safety level (5.0×10-5). The contribution rate of Cr to the carcinogenic risk through the two pathways was greater than 80%. For drinking water safety, the concentrations of As and Cr should be controlled before drinking.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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