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摘要点击 2942  全文点击 1069  投稿时间:2017-03-10  修订日期:2017-05-22
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中文关键词  SBR  磁场增强作用  污染物  去除效率  微生物群落结构
英文关键词  sequencing batch reactor  magnetic field enhancement  pollutants  removal efficiency  microbial community structure
耿淑英 山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 泰安 271018 dagsyzi@163.com 
付伟章 山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 泰安 271018 sdaufwz@sdau.edu.cn 
王静 山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 泰安 271018  
郑书联 山东农业大学资源与环境学院, 泰安 271018  
      SBR反应器的应用越来越普遍,为进一步提高其处理效率,提出在SBR反应体系再外加一个磁场来提高其运行性能.研究了不同磁感应强度对反应系统污染物降解效率的影响,并采用MiSeq高通量测序技术解析了磁场条件下活性污泥微生物群落多样性变化.结果表明,磁场的加入在一定程度上提高了SBR系统的运行性能,且当磁感应强度为7×10-2 T时效果最明显.其中,外加磁场对SBR反应系统中总氮去除效果的影响显著,在7×10-2 T时脱氮率从无磁场的65.69%提高到85.98%.外加磁场显著提高了污泥脱氢酶活性,因而也会对各种污染物的去除产生积极作用.通过对不同磁感应强度下活性污泥微生物群落多样性的比较发现,7×10-2 T磁场下活性污泥微生物丰度及多样性最高.实验SBR反应器中的细菌域共鉴定出14个门,主要以变形菌门Proteobacteria(25.3%~61.5%)、拟杆菌门Bacteroidetes(18.6%~46.2%)、放线菌门Actinobacteria(5.3%~47.2%)、酸杆菌门Acidobacteria(0.4%~4.0%)为主.重要的脱氮细菌:如α-Proteobacteria的RhodoblastusParacoccusβ-Proteobacteria的AlicycliphilusComamonasXenophilusAcidovoraxDechloromonasThaueraδ-Proteobacteria的Desulfovibrio; Planctomycetes门等,在中等磁感应强度尤其是7×10-2 T时,丰度最高,与脱氮效率增加有内在的联系.典型的PAOs如AcinetobacterPseudomonasPropionicimonas等,在中等磁场条件下含量较高,与除磷率变化趋势相同.活性污泥中细菌群落结构变化与污水处理效率存在一定相关性,外加磁场通过改变微生物群落结构影响污水处理效果.
      The application of SBR reactors is becoming more common and in order to further improve the efficiency of their treatment it has been proposed to add a magnetic field to SBR systems. The effects of different magnetic fields on the degradation efficiency of conventional pollutants in an SBR was studied. MiSeq high-throughput sequencing techniques were used to analyze the diversity of microbial communities in activated sludge under magnetic field conditions. These results show that the addition of a magnetic field improves the performance of a SBR system to an extent and magnetic induction effects are most obvious at 7×10-2 T. This is identified through a significant effect on the removal efficiency of total nitrogen and an increase in the denitrification rate from 65.69% to 85.98%. It also significantly improves the activity of sludge dehydrogenase and has a positive effect on the removal of various pollutants. The diversity of microbial communities in activated sludge under different magnetic field intensities shows a greater microbial abundance and diversity in the active sludge. The bacterial domain in the experimental SBR includes 14 phyla, which are mainly Proteobacteria (25.3%-61.5%), Bacteroidetes (18.6%-46.2%), Actonobacteria (5.3%-47.2%), and Acidobacteria (0.4%-4.0%). Important denitrification bacteria such as Rhodoblastus, Paracoccus of α-Proteobacteria, Alicycliphilus, Comamonas, Xenophilus, Acidovorax, Dechloromonas, Thauera of β-Proteobacteria, Desulfovibrio of δ-Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes, etc. at a moderate magnetic induction of 7×10-2 T have a high abundance and there is an internal relationship between this and an increase in denitrification efficiency. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) such as Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Propionicimonas, etc., are present at higher levels under these conditions and follow the same trends as for the phosphorus removal rates. There is a correlation between bacterial community structure changes and sewage treatment efficiency in activated sludge. Applied magnetic fields have a positive effect on sewage treatment by changing the microbial community structure.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
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