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摘要点击 2987  全文点击 1345  投稿时间:2016-09-18  修订日期:2016-11-09
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中文关键词  重金属  铅锶同位素示踪  源解析  因子分析  富集因子  林地  垂直剖面土壤
英文关键词  heavy metals  Pb & Sr isotope tracing  source apportionment  factor analysis  enrichment factor  woodland  soil vertical profile
孙境蔚 华侨大学环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021
泉州师范学院资源与环境科学学院, 泉州 362000 
于瑞莲 华侨大学环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021  
胡恭任 华侨大学环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021 grhu@hqu.edu.cn 
苏光明 华侨大学环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021  
王晓明 核工业北京地质研究院分析测试研究中心, 北京 100029  
      分别用原子吸收光谱仪(AAS)和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了泉州市某林地垂直剖面土壤中8种重金属元素(Sr、Ni、Fe、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn)的含量及垂直剖面土壤的铅锶同位素组成,并采用BCR四步提取法对重金属形态进行了分析.重金属总量及形态分析结果表明,泉州市林地土壤重金属污染较轻,主要污染因子为Sr.Pb的非残渣态含量最高,活性最大.内梅罗综合污染指数的评价结果表明,Sr在0~60 cm深度处达到重度污染.次生相与原生相比值法评价结果表明,Pb活性最强,对土壤的潜在危害最大;富集因子计算结果表明,Pb、Sr、Mn、Zn受到外源的影响;因子分析结果表明,重金属主要受到交通源、自然源和农业生产的影响.根据垂直剖面土壤样品与泉州市潜在污染源在206 Pb/207 Pb-207 Pb/204 Pb图中的分布特征,Pb主要来源于汽车尾气尘和土壤母质层,利用铅同位素二元混合模型计算出土壤母质层对垂直剖面土壤中铅的贡献率为85.14%(62.53%~98.36%),汽车尾气尘的贡献率平均值为14.86%(1.640%~37.47%).锶同位素示踪结果表明,锶主要来源于汽车尾气尘和土壤母质.铅锶同位素联合示踪结果与前述研究一致.
      The contents of 8 heavy metal elements (Sr, Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Zn) and the lead & strontium isotope composition of soil profile of woodland in Quanzhou city were analyzed by AAS and ICP-MS, respectively. A modified BCR four-step sequential extraction procedure was carried out to obtain the speciation fractionation of heavy metals in the soil profile from 4 stations. The results of the heavy metal elements and the speciation fractionation of heavy metals in the soil profile showed that the heavy metal pollution in the woodland in Quanzhou was relatively light, and the main pollution factor was Sr. The non-residue state of Pb was the highest, leading to the highest activity. The result of Nemero comprehensive pollution index showed that Sr in the depth of 0-60 cm was at heavy pollution level. The results of the RSP showed that the activity of Pb was the highest. The results of EF showed that Pb, Sr, Mn and Zn had exogenous sources. Factor analysis showed that the main sources of heavy metals were the compound pollution of agricultural activities, natural resources, and the vehicle exhaust. Composition of Pb isotopic ratios showed that, Pb in soil profile of woodland in Quanzhou was from vehicle exhaust and parent material. The contribution rates of the two sources in the soil profile were calculated by using the two-mixed model. The contribution rates of parent material and vehicle exhaust were 85.14%(62.53%-98.36%) and 14.86%(1.640%-37.47%) on average, respectively. Strontium isotope tracing results showed that the main sources of strontium were also vehicle exhaust and parent material. Coupling both Pb and Sr isotope ratios agreed with the above mentioned results.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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