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摘要点击 1974  全文点击 1217  投稿时间:2016-07-19  修订日期:2016-09-26
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中文关键词  沉积物  金属元素  赋存形态  评价  厦门筼筜湖
英文关键词  sediments  metal elements  fractions  assessment  Yundang Lagoon in Xiamen
杨秋丽 华侨大学化工学院, 厦门 361021
中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳 550081 
于瑞莲 华侨大学化工学院, 厦门 361021 ruiliany@hqu.edu.cn 
胡恭任 华侨大学化工学院, 厦门 361021
中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵阳 550081 
林承奇 华侨大学化工学院, 厦门 361021  
韩璐 华侨大学化工学院, 厦门 361021  
      用ICP-MS测定了厦门筼筜湖表层沉积物中15种金属元素的含量,分析了金属元素的分布特征,并用改进的BCR提取法分析其赋存形态.结果表明,Cd、Cu、Sr、Pb、Zn和U在不同湖区的含量表现为:外湖 > 干渠 > 内湖;Cr、Co、Ni、V、Fe、Li、Rb和Mn的含量表现为:内湖 > 外湖 > 干渠.Cu、Zn和Pb主要存在于可还原态;Cd元素主要存在于弱酸溶态和可还原态;Co、Ni、U、Fe和Mn元素主要存在于可还原态和残渣态;Li、V、Cr、Rb和Ba主要存在于残渣态.潜在生态风险评价结果表明,元素V、Cr、Co、Ni、Zn、Cu、Cd和Pb等处于轻微潜在生态风险水平.次生相与原生相分布比值法评价结果显示,Cu、Cd和Zn表现出重度污染;Pb表现出中度污染;Co、Mn、Sr和U表现出轻度污染;Ni、Fe、Cr、V、Li、Ba和Rb表现出无污染.筼筜湖表层沉积物已受轻微的金属元素污染,处于轻微生态风险水平.
      Total concentrations of 15 metal elements in the surface sediments of Yundang Lagoon in Xiamen were determined using ICP-MS. The fractions were extracted by a modified BCR method. The results indicated that in different areas of Yundang Lagoon, the order of the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Sr, Pb, Zn and U was:outer lagoon > ditch > inner lagoon, the order for Cr, Co, Ni, V, Fe, Li, Rb and Mn was:inner lake > outer lake > ditch. Cu, Zn and Pb were mainly in the reducible phase; Cd was mainly in the acid soluble-extractable and reducible phases; Co, Ni, U, Fe and Mn were mainly in the reducible and residual phases; Li, V, Cr, Rb and Ba were dominated by residual phase. The potential ecological risk of metal elements suggested that V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb were at a low potential ecological risk level. The results of ratio of secondary phase to primary phase (RSP) assessment indicated that Cu, Cd and Zn showed high pollution level; Pb showed moderate pollution level; Co, Mn, Sr and U were in a low polluted condition; Ni, Fe, Cr, V, Li, Ba and Rb showed no pollution. In general, Yundang Lagoon was in a low potential ecological risk.

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电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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