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摘要点击 2455  全文点击 1471  投稿时间:2014-12-13  修订日期:2015-01-21
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中文关键词  掺硼金刚石  二氧化铅  羟基自由基  苯并三氮唑  活性位点  吸附氧  吸附层
英文关键词  boron-doped diamond  lead dioxide  hydroxyl radical  benzotriazole  active site  adsorbed oxygen  adsorption layer
伍娟丽 北京大学环境工程系, 水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871 fivewjl@126.com 
张佳维 北京大学环境工程系, 水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871  
王婷 北京大学环境工程系, 水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871  
倪晋仁 北京大学环境工程系, 水沙科学教育部重点实验室, 北京 100871 nijinren@iee.pku.edu.cn 
      分别构建了以掺硼金刚石膜电极(BDD)和二氧化铅电极(PbO2)为阳极的电化学体系,对比考察了两种电极对难降解有机污染物苯并三氮唑(BTA)的降解及体系的矿化效果,并从电极产生羟基自由基( ·OH)的数量与形态角度深入探讨了影响电极矿化能力大小的内在因素. 结果表明:①BDD和PbO2电极均对BTA有较好的降解效果,电解12 h后BTA去除率分别为99.48%和98.36%,但BDD电极的矿化能力明显强于PbO2电极,电解12 h后矿化率分别为87.69%和35.96%; ②BDD体系阳极 ·OH产生速率和阴极H2产生速率均低于PbO2体系,即表面活性位点数量少于PbO2电极,因此 ·OH数量不是决定矿化能力大小的关键; ③BDD电极表面吸附氧活性更强,结合能(532.37eV)大于PbO2(530.74eV),且表面吸附层更薄,产生的 ·OH形态更自由,是决定其具有更大矿化能力的关键因素.
      Electrochemical systems were built to investigate the degradation of benzotriazole (BTA) on boron-doped diamond (BDD) and PbO2 anodes and give an insight into the mineralization ability of two electrodes in terms of the amount and activity of hydroxyl radicals. Results of bulk electrolysis showed that both BDD and PbO2 displayed perfect BTA degradation performance after 12 hours' electrolysis, with the removal percentages of 99.48% and 98.36%, respectively, while the mineralization ability of BDD was much stronger than that of PbO2, with the efficiency of 87.69% for BDD and 35.96% for PbO2. Less hydroxyl radical and hydrogen production in BDD system suggested the less amount of active sites on BDD surface, thus further verified that the generated hydroxyl radical amount was not the primary factor determining the mineralization ability of anodes. However, BDD displayed larger binding energy of adsorbed oxygen and thinner adsorption layer than those of PbO2, indicating that the BDD electrode surface was of greater catalytic activity, thus the generated hydroxyl radicals were more free, which was the key to its better mineralization ability.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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