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摘要点击 3027  全文点击 1719  投稿时间:2013-12-17  修订日期:2014-04-07
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中文关键词  霾日  气候特征  大气污染  江苏  持续性霾
英文关键词  haze day  climatic characteristics  atmospheric pollution  Jiangsu Province  continuous haze
刘端阳 江苏省无锡市气象局, 无锡 214101 liuduanyang2001@126.com 
魏建苏 江苏省气象台, 南京 210008 weijiansu@aliyun.com 
严文莲 江苏省气象台, 南京 210008  
吕军 江苏省气象信息中心, 南京 210008  
孙燕 江苏省气象台, 南京 210008  
      利用1980~2012年江苏省气象观测资料,对江苏省城市霾时空分布及成因进行了分析. 结果表明,1980~2012年江苏省霾日增加,重度和中度霾增加显著,苏北和沿海城市霾日增加显著. 秋季和冬季霾日最多,夏季最少. 秋、冬季霾主要在内陆,沿海略少. 除苏南三城市,6月其他城市霾日都比较多. 80年代霾日较为均匀,90年代苏南、苏西南增加,2000年代江淮之间和苏北增加,2010~2012年苏北霾日增加显著,苏南地区霾日略有减少. 全省连续性霾日、区域性霾日及连续性区域霾都呈增加趋势. 城市建成区面积逐年扩大、由工业及汽车尾气排放的污染物逐年增加,导致区域气温升高、空气相对湿度下降,形成城市热岛和干岛效应,加上污染物的增多,增强了霾形成和维持的条件,持续性霾、区域性霾和持续性区域霾也增加较为显著.
      Based on the surface meteorological data of Jiangsu Province during 1980-2012, climatic characteristics and trends of the weather phenomenon of haze were analyzed. The result indicates that during 1980-2012, the haze day increased, and the severe and moderate haze days significantly increased. In the northern and coastal cities, haze days had a significant increase. Haze is often appeared in the fall and winter, and is rare in the summer, it also occurs inland, and is less in the coast. The haze happens more frequently in June since the straw burning during summer harvest time. The haze day was evenly distributed during the 80's, and increased during the 90's over southern and southwestern Jiangsu Province, middle and northern Jiangsu haze days had a growing after 2000, especially after 2010.The continuous, regional, and regional-continuous haze days were in an increasing trend. As the urban built-up area has been expanded each year, industrial emissions, coal consumption, and car ownership increase every year, resulting in regional temperature increase and relative humidity decrease, resulting in urban heat island and dry island effects. Thence the haze formation and maintenance conditions increased, which led to the increasing of haze days, and the continuous, regional and regional-continuous haze days were significantly increased.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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