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中文关键词  生活垃圾(MSW)  苏州  全过程管理  生命周期评价  环境影响潜势(EIP)  碳排放
英文关键词  municipal solid waste (MSW)  Suzhou  integrated management  life cycle assessment  environmental impact potential (EIP)  carbon emission
李昕遥 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081 elevendoc@163.com 
张涛 中广核铀业发展有限公司, 北京 100029  
陈坦 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081
中央民族大学北京市食品环境与健康工程技术研究中心, 北京 100081 
杨婷 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081
中央民族大学北京市食品环境与健康工程技术研究中心, 北京 100081 
张冰 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081
中央民族大学北京市食品环境与健康工程技术研究中心, 北京 100081 
金军 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院, 北京 100081
中央民族大学北京市食品环境与健康工程技术研究中心, 北京 100081 
      为系统认识生活垃圾分类对城市环境效益的提升,基于2017~2021年苏州市推行分类前后生活垃圾的处置数据,核算整个收运-处置过程的环境影响潜值,预测苏州市到2035年生活垃圾全过程管理的环境效益. 苏州市自2019年底全面实施生活垃圾分类后,单位质量生活垃圾的环境影响潜值(以PET2000计,下同)由2017年的2.34×10-13 t-1降至2021年的1.91×10-13 t-1,降幅18.38%,分类可改善生活垃圾全过程管理的环境效益. 以苏州市2021年生活垃圾清运情况为基准,设定不同前端分类效果-后端分质处置规模情景测算,发现生活垃圾前端分类效果梯度提升且末端分质处置能力相应配套后环境效益进一步提升,厨余垃圾分出率和纯度分别提高至40%和95%且实现“垃圾零填埋”的规划处置能力情景下,单位质量垃圾环境影响潜值和碳排放总量较2021年实际情况分别减少23.96%和30.73%. 建立基于苏州市人口规模及经济发展水平的线性模型,预计到2035年苏州市的生活垃圾清运量达696.50万t. 在苏州市生活垃圾前端分类不断改善及环境卫生持续优化的背景下,基于苏州市末端处置能力现状,至2035年分类效果提高后单位质量生活垃圾环境影响潜值为1.54×10-13 t-1,总环境影响潜值1.05×10-6,碳排放总量达到380.17万t;在垃圾末端分质处置规模扩大、原生生活垃圾“零填埋”、厨余垃圾充分资源化的理想情景下,2035年单位质量生活垃圾环境影响潜值为1.28×10-13t-1,总环境影响潜值和碳排放总量分别为8.69×10-7和322.57万t,分别较2021年实际情况减少约5.65%和1.23%. 统筹推进分类收运和分质处置的协同,能更好地控制生活垃圾管理过程的潜在环境影响和碳排放.
      In order to systematically understand the urban environmental benefit improvement of municipal solid waste (MSW) classification, based on the disposal data of MSW before and after the MSW classification in Suzhou from 2017 to 2021, the environmental impact potential (EIP) of the MSW collection-transportation-disposal process was calculated, and the environmental benefits of the MSW integrated management in Suzhou to 2035 were predicted. After the MSW classification in Suzhou at the end of 2019, the EIP (in terms of PET2000, the same below) of the per unit weight of MSW was reduced by 18.38% from 2.34×10-13 t-1 in 2017 to 1.91×10-13 t-1 in 2021. The environmental benefits of the MSW integrated management could be improved by classification. Based on the Suzhou MSW removal and transportation situation in 2021, different classification and disposal scenarios were established to calculate. It was found that after the classification effect showed gradient improvement, and the disposal capacity matched accordingly, the environmental benefits of MSW were further improved. Under the planning disposal capacity scenario of “zero waste to landfill”, the EIP and the total carbon emissions of per unit weight of MSW should be reduced by 23.96% and 30.73%, respectively, compared with the actual situation in 2021. Based on the linear model of population and economic development level of Suzhou, it is expected that the annual production of MSW in Suzhou will be increased to 6.965 million tons in 2035. Under the background of continuous improvement of MSW classification and continuous optimization of city appearance and environment in Suzhou, based on the status quo of terminal disposal capacity in Suzhou, the EIP of per unit weight of MSW after improving the efficiency of classification by 2035 was predicted to be 1.54×10-13 t-1, the total EIP would be 1.05×10-6, and the total carbon emissions would increase to 3.80 million tons. Under the ideal scenario of expanding the scale of waste disposal, “zero landfill” of raw MSW, and full resource utilization of food waste, the EIP of per unit weight of MSW in 2035 was predicted to be 1.28×10-13 t-1, and the total EIP and the total carbon emissions would be 8.69×10-7 and 3.23 million tons, respectively, which was approximately 5.65% and 1.23% less than the actual scenario in 2021, respectively. The EIP and carbon emissions of MSW integrated management could be controlled better by the coordinated promotion of classified collection and transportation and quality disposal.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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