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摘要点击 996  全文点击 234  投稿时间:2023-07-17  修订日期:2023-09-30
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中文关键词  厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)  启动性能  恢复性能  饥饿  菌群变化  抗性
英文关键词  ANAMMOX  start-up performance  recovery performance  starvation  microbial community succession  resistance
冯帆 中南大学冶金与环境学院, 长沙 410083
国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410083 
唐溪 中南大学冶金与环境学院, 长沙 410083
国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410083 
唐崇俭 中南大学冶金与环境学院, 长沙 410083
国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410083 
柴立元 中南大学冶金与环境学院, 长沙 410083
国家重金属污染防治工程技术研究中心, 长沙 410083 
      厌氧氨氧化菌生长缓慢,其富集过程困难,是限制厌氧氨氧化技术应用的瓶颈. 因基质供应不足导致的功能菌长期饥饿使厌氧氨氧化(ANAMMOX)反应器稳定运行面临更大挑战. 从长期饥饿的视角出发,重新审视厌氧氨氧化反应器的启动和恢复性能、揭示其抗性机制具有现实意义. 分别采用硝化和反硝化污泥在不同运行条件下成功启动了厌氧氨氧化反应器,分析了长期饥饿后不同启动策略下反应器的恢复性能,及污泥对长期饥饿的耐受机制. 结果表明,接种反硝化污泥的反应器采用高基质浓度低流速运行更稳定,运行85 d后NH4+-N、NO2--N和总氮去除率分别高达98.7%、99.3%和89.3%;但长期饥饿(144 d)后采用低基质浓度高流速运行的氮去除性能更优,NH4+-N、NO2--N和总氮去除率可在30 d后分别恢复至99.8%、99.8%和93.6%. 研究发现,饥饿期胞外多聚物将厌氧氨氧化菌包裹,有助于保持细胞完整以抵抗长期饥饿胁迫;nirShzsAhdh基因的表达,保证了亚硝酸盐/一氧化氮氧化还原酶、联氨合成酶和联氨脱氢酶的合成,有助于维持厌氧氨氧化活性. 饥饿恢复前后厌氧氨氧化菌属的相对丰度无显著差异,其中Candidatus Kuenenia经30 d恢复后相对丰度提升86%以上,表明其对长期饥饿更具耐受性.
      The application of ANAMMOX technology is constrained by sluggish growth and difficulty in enriching ANAMMOX bacteria. Long-term starvation of functioning bacteria due to limited substrate supply makes the steady operation of ANAMMOX reactors more difficult. Re-examining the start-up and recovery performance of the ANAMMOX reactor and identifying its resistance mechanism are important from the standpoint of long-term starvation. By inoculating nitrifying and denitrifying sludge under various operating circumstances, the ANAMMOX reactors were successfully started. Under various start-up procedures, the tolerance mechanism and recovery performance were examined. The outcomes demonstrated that the denitrifying sludge-inoculated reactor operated steadily with a high substrate concentration and low flow rate. After 85 days of operation, the removal efficiencies of NH4+-N, NO2--N, and total nitrogen reached 98.7%, 99.3%, and 89.3%, respectively. After 144 days of starvation and 30 days of recovery, the better nitrogen removal performance was achieved at a low substrate concentration and high flow rate, and the removal efficiencies were 99.8% (NH4+-N), 99.8% (NO2--N), and 93.6% (total nitrogen). During the starvation, extracellular polymeric substances wrapped the ANAMMOX bacteria and kept them intact to resist long-term starvation stress. The expression of nirS, hzsA, and hdh genes ensured the synthesis of nitrite/nitric oxide oxidoreductase, hydrazine synthase, and hydrazine dehydrogenase to maintain ANAMMOX activity. There was no significant difference in the relative abundance of ANAMMOX bacteria before and after starvation recovery. Candidatus Kuenenia had better anti-hunger ability, and the relative abundance increased by more than 86% after 30 days of recovery, confirming its tolerance to long-term starvation.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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