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摘要点击 825  全文点击 235  投稿时间:2023-06-15  修订日期:2023-09-25
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中文关键词  屋面雨水  储水系统  微生物群落  环境因子  真菌
英文关键词  roof rainwater  water storage system  microbial community  environmental factors  fungi
王语翡 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055 903770376@qq.com 
高赞 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055  
张琼华 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055 qionghuazhang@126.com 
王晓昌 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055  
      储水水质安全保障是提高雨水资源储用效率的关键,而屋面雨水是雨水储存利用的最佳场景. 研究通过长期监测屋面雨水储存过程中水质演变,构建不同储水材料(PE、玻璃)和不同DO调控模式(密封、曝气)的储水形式,采用16S rRNA微生物多样性测序技术和环境因子关联性等分析方法,探明微生物代谢作用下的水质变化特征以及潜在的利用健康风险. 结果表明, 储水过程中COD的降解主要发生于前10 d,同时营养盐也主要依赖微生物的代谢作用进行转化. 不同储水形式下水质变化特征存在差异,传统PE储水材料会促进部分致病性黄色杆菌属(Xanthobacter)的繁殖,链格孢霉属(Alternaria)、葡萄穗霉属(Stachybotrys)和枝孢霉属(Cladosporium)等与DO和pH呈负相关. 曝气有利于降低细菌、真菌的丰度,而密封储水方式有利于抑制军团菌等病原菌的增长.
      The safety and security of stored rainwater quality is the key to improve the efficiency of rainwater resources storage, and roof rainwater is the best scenario for rainwater storage and utilization. Through long-term monitoring of the evolution of water quality during the roof rainwater storage process, different storage materials (PE and glass) and different DO regulation modes (sealing and aeration) were constructed, and 16S rRNA microbial diversity sequencing and environmental factor correlation methods were used to characterize the changes in water quality under microbial metabolism during the rainwater storage process, as well as the potential risks of utilization and health. The results showed that the degradation of COD occurred mainly in the first 10 days of the storage process, and the nutrients were transformed mainly by microbial metabolism. There were differences in the characteristics of water quality changes under different water storage conditions, with traditional PE materials promoting the propagation of some pathogenic Xanthobacter, Alternaria, Stachybotrys, and Cladosporium, which were negatively correlated with DO and pH. Aeration was beneficial in reducing the abundance of bacteria and fungi, whereas the sealed water storage method was beneficial in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Legionella.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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