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摘要点击 1383  全文点击 279  投稿时间:2023-07-10  修订日期:2023-09-21
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中文关键词  微塑料(MPs)  分布  来源  海水  风险评价
英文关键词  microplastics (MPs)  distribution  source  seawater  risk assessment
刘冰洁 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510535 liubingjie@scies.org 
区晓敏 华南农业大学海洋科学学院, 广州 510642  
叶匡旻 广东省环境科学研究院, 广州 510045  
魏南 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510535  
陆尧 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510535  
孙凯峰 生态环境部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510535 sunkaifeng@scies.org 
      微塑料在海洋环境中广泛存在,成为了一种备受关注的新污染物. 为揭示广东省近岸海域表层海水中微塑料的污染特征,自江门至汕头选择了9个海湾(河口),通过现场采样、氧化消解、目视识别和成分鉴定等方法探究微塑料的分布和组成特征,解析其潜在来源,并结合污染负荷指数法和聚合物风险指数法评估其生态风险. 结果表明,广东省近岸海域30个表层海水样品中均检出微塑料,微塑料的丰度范围为70~920 n·m-3,平均丰度为(295.3 ±175.3)n·m-3. 空间分布上,微塑料的最高丰度出现在珠江口,最低丰度出现在神泉湾. 组成特征上,微塑料的主要成分为聚丙烯(31.2%)、酚醛树脂(16.0%)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(15.3%)和聚乙烯(10.9%),主要形状、颜色和尺寸类别分别为纤维(57.5%)、透明(72.0%)和0.5~1 mm(32.8%). 微塑料的可能来源主要包括水产养殖、渔业捕捞、航海、旅游、市政污水排放和洋流输送. 模型评价结果显示,微塑料的污染负荷风险较低,但聚合物风险处于中-高水平. 研究结果为广东省塑料污染治理行动方案提供数据基础,并为海洋微塑料污染防治工作提供支撑.
      Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous in the marine environment and have become an emerging pollutant that is attracting great attention. To reveal the pollution characteristics of MPs in surface seawater of coastal waters in Guangdong Province, nine bays (estuaries) were selected from Jiangmen to Shantou. The distribution and compositional characteristics of MPs were investigated through field sampling, oxidation digestion, and visual and compositional identification, and their potential sources were analyzed. The ecological risks were assessed by combining the pollution load index and the polymer risk index. The results showed that MPs were detected in all 30 surface seawater samples from the coastal waters of Guangdong Province, with an abundance range of 70-920 n·m-3 and an average abundance of (295.3 ±175.3) n·m-3. The highest MPs abundance was found in the Pearl River estuary, and the lowest abundance was found in Shenquan bay. The distribution patterns were mainly influenced by human activities and ocean currents. The dominant polymer types included polypropylene (31.2%), phenol resin (16.0%), polyethylene terephthalate (15.3%), and polyethylene (10.9%). The main shape, color, and size categories of MPs were fiber (57.5%), transparent (72.0%), and 0.5-1 mm (32.8%), respectively. The possible sources of MPs mainly included aquaculture, fishing, navigation, tourism, municipal sewage discharge, and ocean current transportation. The model assessment results showed that the pollution load risk of MPs was relatively low, but the polymer risk was at a medium-high level. This study provides a data basis for the action plan of plastic pollution control in Guangdong Province and supports the prevention and control of marine MPs pollution.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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