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中文关键词  不同污染等级  PM2.5  多站潜在源贡献因子分析法(MS-PSCF)  轨迹密度分析法(TDA)  天气形势特征
英文关键词  different pollution levels  PM2.5  multi-site potential source contribution factor analysis (MS-PSCF)  trajectory density analysis (TDA)  characteristics of weather situation
马星芬 山西省阳泉市气象局, 阳泉 045000 sxyqmxf@126.com 
王雁 山西省气象科学研究所, 太原 030002 qkswy@126.com 
闫世明 山西省气象科学研究所, 太原 030002 qksysm@126.com 
冯飞 山西省阳泉市生态环境监测中心, 阳泉 045000  
      利用2020~2022年阳泉市的PM2.5监测数据、NCEP数据及对应时刻天气形势分析的气象资料,采用 HYSPLIT4 后向轨迹模式,引入多站潜在源贡献因子分析法(MS-PSCF)和轨迹密度分析法(TDA),对阳泉市PM2.5传输通道和潜在源区分区域、分级别研究. 结果表明:①阳泉市PM2.5污染主要集中在阳泉和平定,盂县相对较轻,阳泉和平定的不同污染等级天数占比及PM2.5浓度的平均值和最高值均要明显比盂县高,PM2.5分布特征与本地特殊地形密切相关. ②小风天气下不同污染等级PM2.5污染次数最多、PM2.5浓度最高;东西向区域输送对阳泉和平定PM2.5污染次数和PM2.5浓度影响明显,且偏东风贡献显著;盂县中度以上天气以本地污染源影响为主. ③中度以上污染天气生成维持的地面形势主要有4种,暖低压型(22%)、高压前部(底部)型(54%)、高压后部型(14%)和均压场型(10%),高压前部(底部)型是造成PM2.5浓度升高的主要地面形势;高空形势主要有2种,平直西风气流型(78%)和西北气流型(22%),平直西风气流型是造成PM2.5浓度升高的主要高空形势. ④MS-PSCF和TDA分析法得出的PM2.5不同污染等级的传输通道和潜在源区结果具有一致性,PM2.5主要传输通道为东北、东南和西北通道,东北和东南通道为短距离传输,是造成PM2.5浓度增加的主要路径,西北通道与西北沙尘传输通道一致,属于长距离传输;PM2.5主要的污染潜在源区位于河北中西部与东南部、河南东北部及其与山东西南部交界处、山西东南部.
      Based on the PM2.5 monitoring data, NCEP data, and the meteorological data of the weather situation analysis at the corresponding time in Yangquan City from 2020 to 2022, using the HYSPLIT4 backward trajectory model, multi-station potential source contribution factor analysis (MS-PSCF) and trajectory density analysis (TDA) were introduced to study the differentiation and classification of PM2.5 transport channels and potential sources in Yangquan City. The results showed that: ① The PM2.5 pollution in Yangquan was mainly concentrated in Yangquan and Pingding, whereas the pollution in Yuxian was relatively light. The proportion of days with different pollution levels and the average and maximum values of PM2.5 concentration in Yangquan and Pingding were significantly higher than those in Yuxian, and the distribution characteristics of PM2.5 were closely related to the local special terrain. ② The amount of PM2.5 pollution and the concentration of PM2.5 in different pollution levels were the highest in light wind weather. The influence of east-west regional transport on PM2.5 pollution times and PM2.5 concentration of Yangquan and Pingding was obvious, and the contribution of east wind was significant. The influence of local pollution sources was the main factor in the moderate pollution weather in Yuxian County. ③ There were four main ground conditions for the generation and maintenance of moderate or above pollution weather: warm low pressure type (22%), high pressure front (bottom) type (54%), high pressure back type (14%), and pressure equalization field (10%). High pressure front (bottom) type was the main ground situation causing the increase in PM2.5 concentration. There were two types of upper air conditions, namely, flat westerly flow type (78%) and northwest flow type (22%). The upper westerly flow type was the main upper air condition that caused the increase in PM2.5 concentration. ④ The results of transport channels and potential source areas of PM2.5 with different pollution levels obtained by MS-PSCF and TDA were consistent. The main transport channels of PM2.5 were the northeast, southeast, and northwest channels, whereas the northeast and southeast channels were short-distance transport routes, which were the main routes causing the increase in PM2.5 concentration. The northwest channel was consistent with the northwest dust transport channel, belonging to long-distance transmission. The main potential source areas of PM2.5 pollution were located in the central and western parts of Hebei and the southeast part of Hebei, the northeast part of Henan and its junction with the southwest part of Shandong, and the southeast part of Shanxi.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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