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摘要点击 1253  全文点击 299  投稿时间:2023-08-02  修订日期:2023-10-20
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中文关键词  臭氧(O3  挥发性有机物(VOCs)  氮氧化物(NOx  相对增量反应性(RIR)  光化学反应  臭氧生成敏感性
英文关键词  ozone(O3  volatile organic compounds(VOCs)  nitrogen oxide(NOx  relative incremental reactivity (RIR)  photochemical reaction  ozone sensitivity
金丹 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200235 jindan_8888@163.com 
      重点臭氧污染区域和城市的臭氧生成敏感性分析是近地面臭氧(O3)污染防控的重要依据. 基于上海市淀山湖站(郊区)、浦东站(城区)和新联站(工业区站)这3个典型站点2016~2020年5年间O3、VOCs和NOx数据,利用观测模型定量分析5年间臭氧高发季O3与前体物(VOCs和NOx)之间的非线性关系. 结果表明,2016~2020年间,上海市近地面O3高发月份为4~9月,其中,高峰值出现在6~8月;VOCs体积分数和NO2浓度对浦东站的O3浓度具备较强的指示意义,淀山湖站的O3浓度主要是受区域性环境、气象因素和跨区域传输影响,新联站O3浓度为环境背景浓度与工业区光化学污染的叠加效应. 浦东站和淀山湖站处于VOCs控制区,新联站2016~2019年整体处于NOx控制区附近,2020年开始逐步向VOCs控制区转变;浦东站、淀山湖站和新联站的L·OH均为:NOx控制区>协同控制区>VOCs控制区.
      The sensitivity analysis of ozone generation in key ozone-polluted regions and cities is an important basis for the prevention and control of near-surface ozone (O3) pollution. Based on the five-year data of ozone, VOCs, and NOx from three typical stations in Shanghai, namely Dianshan Lake Station (suburban area), Pudong Station (urban area), and Xinlian Station (industrial area) from 2016 to 2020, the nonlinear relationship between ozone and precursors (VOCs and NOx) during the high-ozone season in the five years was quantitatively analyzed using an observation model. The results showed that the peak months of near-surface ozone in Shanghai were from April to September during 2016 to 2020, with the highest values appearing from June to August. The volume fraction of VOCs and NO2 concentration had a strong indicative significance for the O3 concentration at Pudong Station. The O3 concentration at Dianshan Lake Station was mainly influenced by regional environment, meteorological factors, and cross-regional transmission. The ozone concentration at Xinlian Station was a combination of environmental background concentration and industrial area photochemical pollution. Pudong Station and Dianshan Lake Station were in the VOCs control zone. Xinlian Station was gradually closer to the NOx control zone from 2016 to 2019, transitioning to the VOCs control zone since 2020. The L·OH of Pudong Station, Dianshan Lake Station, and Xinlian Station were: NOx control area>collaborative control area>VOCs control area.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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