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摘要点击 2288  全文点击 1009  投稿时间:2018-06-11  修订日期:2018-07-04
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中文关键词  好氧/缺氧-盛宴/饥饿模式(O/A-F/F)  乙酸  葡萄糖  内源聚合物积累  内源反硝化
英文关键词  aerobic/anoxic-feast/famine (O/A-F/F)  acetic  glucose  endogenous polymers accumulation  endogenous denitrification
崔有为 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院, 北京 100124 cyw@bjut.edu.cn 
金常林 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院, 北京 100124  
王好韩 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院, 北京 100124  
李晶 中国航空规划设计研究总院有限公司, 北京 100120  
      好氧/缺氧-盛宴/饥饿(O/A-F/F)选择模式能够在好氧段实现活性污泥积累内源聚合物的同时在缺氧段原位利用内源聚合物驱动反硝化.为了深入探究不同的碳源类型对O/A-F/F模式下内源聚合物积累和内源反硝化的影响,实验以乙酸和葡萄糖为主要碳源探究内源聚合物积累和内源反硝化特性以及富集的活性污泥菌群的结构和功能.结果表明,在O/A-F/F选择模式下,当进水化学需氧量(COD)为500 mg·L-1左右时,以乙酸为主要碳源系统(Ac-SBR)和以葡萄糖为主要碳源的系统(Gc-SBR)均能实现40 mg·L-1的硝酸盐氮的内源去除,且各系统均实现了部分短程反硝化.但Ac-SBR实现了更高的亚硝酸盐的积累.乙酸有利于内源聚羟基脂肪酸酯(PHA)积累并驱动内源反硝化过程,PHA产率为0.52,平均反硝化速率(DNR)为9.65 mg·(L·h)-1.Gc-SBR系统能够实现PHA和糖原(Gly)的同时积累,但Gly产率高于PHA产率,分别为0.36和0.17,DNR为4.35 mg·(L·h)-1.Gly是实现内源反硝化过程的主要驱动力,反硝化脱氮贡献率占总量的77%.16S rRNA高通量测序表明Proteobacteria门中的β-Proteobacteria在Ac-SBR中为优势菌纲,菌群丰度为40.56%,而在Gc-SBR中菌群丰度为18.05%.α-Proteobacteria可能在Gc-SBR中贡献了微生物的糖原积累.β-Proteobacteria、Unclassified Bacteroidetes和Lgnavibacteria在Ac-SBR中贡献了内源PHA积累.
      To accumulate endogenous polymers during the aerobic phase, the aerobic/anoxic-feast/famine (O/A-F/F) selection mode can be used. It can also be used in situ for endogenous denitrification by activated sludge during the anoxic phase. To further explore the effect of carbon sources on the activated sludge accumulation of endogenous polymers and endogenous denitrification, this study used acetic and glucose as the main carbon sources to investigate the accumulation of endogenous polymers, endogenous denitrification, and the structure and function of enriched activated sludge. The results show that acetic (Ac-SBR) and glucose (Gc-SBR) as the main carbon source systems achieved a 40 mg·L-1 nitrate removal by endogenous denitrification when the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) was~500 mg·L-1 in the O/A-F/F selection mode. Both the Ac-SBR and Gc-SBR achieved partial denitrification, but the nitrite accumulation of the Ac-SBR was higher than that of the Gc-SBR. Acetic is favorable for the accumulation of endogenous polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA); PHA drives the endogenous denitrification. The yield of PHA was 0.52 and the denitrification rate (DNR) was 9.65 mg·(L·h)-1. The Gc-SBR system achieved the simultaneous accumulation of PHA and glycogen (Gly). The yield of Gly was higher than that of PHA and the DNR driven by Gly was 4.35 mg·(L·h)-1. The Gly was the main driving force to achieve endogenous denitrification and contributed to 77% of the total nitrogen removal. The 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing analysis of activated sludge flora shows that the class of β-Proteobacteria in the Proteobacteria was dominant, with an abundance of 40.56% in the Ac-SBR. However, the abundance of β-Proteobacteria was only 18.05% in the Gc-SBR. The class of α-Proteobacteria contributes to glycogen accumulation in the Gc-SBR. The PHA can be accumulated by β-Proteobacteria, Unclassified Bacteroidetes, and Lgnavibacteria in the Ac-SBR.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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