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摘要点击 2225  全文点击 1651  投稿时间:2003-03-11  修订日期:2003-06-03
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中文关键词  沟渠湿地  非点源污染  富营养化  净化能力
英文关键词  ditch wetlands  non point pollution  eutrophication  purification
姜翠玲, 河海大学水资源环境学院 南京210098 
崔广柏, 河海大学水资源环境学院 南京210098 
范晓秋, 河海大学水资源环境学院 南京210098 
章亦兵 河海大学水资源环境学院 南京210098 
      沟渠湿地可通过底泥截留吸附、植物吸收和微生物降解净化农田排水汇集的非点源污染物,芦苇(Phragmites communis) 和茭草(Zizania latifolia)是长江下游地区沟渠中自然生长的2种主要挺水植物,能有效吸收N、P营养成分,是湿地净化非点源污染物的主要机制.芦苇和茭草收割以后,每年可带走 463~515kg/hm2的N和127~149 kg/hm2的P,相当于当地2.3~3.2 hm2农田流失的氮肥、1.3~3.0 hm2农田流失的磷肥.茭草的吸收和分解能力明显高于芦苇.收割除带走植株体中的营养成分外,也改善了湿地光照和曝气条件,促进营养物质的分解转化,芦苇收割区底泥和水体中的有机质、TN、TP明显低于未收割区.因此,定期收割是保证自然湿地净化功能,减轻湖泊富营养化的有效措施.
      Ditch wetlands have the capacity to remove and purify non point pollutants from agricultural drainage by sediment retention, plant absorption and microorganism decomposition. Phragmites communis and Zizania latifolia are two main kinds of plants growing naturally in ditch wetlands in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. They can absorb N and P efficiently, which is the main mechanism of non point source pollutants purification by wetlands. The harvest of Phragmites communis and Zizania latifolia will take away 463~515 kg/hm2 of N and 127~149 kg/hm2 of P each year, it equal to N and P discharged from 2.3~3.2 hm2 and 1.3~3.0 hm2 of fields respectively in this area The absorption and decomposition capacity of Zizania latifolia wetland is higher than Phragmites communis wetland. After harvest of plants, wetlands are uncovered to sunlight and oxygen that speeds the transportation and decomposition of nutrients. The amount of organic matters, TN and TP are higher in sediment of harvested area than in that of control. Therefore, seasonal harvest of plants is an efficient measure for wetlands to purify nutrients and alleviate eutrophication of lakes.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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