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摘要点击 1308  全文点击 263  投稿时间:2023-03-07  修订日期:2023-04-21
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中文关键词  氢燃料电池汽车  全生命周期评价  碳排放  不同车型  预测分析
英文关键词  hydrogen fuel cell vehicles  full life cycle assessment  carbon emissions  different vehicle models  predictive analysis
马菁 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064 jingma@chd.edu.cn 
蔡旭 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064  
张春梅 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064  
兰利波 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064  
陈轶嵩 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064  
付佩 长安大学汽车学院, 西安 710064 peifu@chd.edu.cn 
      As one of the important paths for China to achieve the "dual carbon" strategy, developing hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is currently being promoted in various regions across the country, including passenger cars, coaches, and heavy-duty trucks. Quantifying the carbon reduction potential of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for different vehicle types and regions has become a hot research topic. Using a life cycle assessment method that considers future vehicle fuel economy, power generation carbon emission factors, hydrogen production carbon emission factors, and regional differences in the scale and hydrogen production methods, this study quantitatively evaluated the life cycle carbon emissions of different types of vehicles, including fuel cell vehicles (FCV), traditional fuel vehicles (ICEV), and battery electric vehicles (BEV). We compared and analyzed the carbon reduction potential of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles at different times and in different regions and conducted an uncertainty analysis on hydrogen consumption per hundred kilometers. The results showed that by 2025, the life cycle carbon emissions of hydrogen fuel cell coaches would decrease by 36.0% compared to that of traditional fuel coaches, but the reduction in carbon emissions for hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks was not significant. By 2035, as the hydrogen energy source structure in China continues to improve, the life cycle carbon emissions of hydrogen fuel cell heavy-duty trucks were predicted to decrease by 36.5% compared to that of traditional fuel heavy-duty trucks. The decarbonization potential was most significant for heavy-duty trucks compared to that of passenger cars and coaches. Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei demonstration group as an example in 2035, as the hydrogen consumption per hundred kilometers decreases by 20%, the carbon reduction potential of FCV passenger cars, coaches, and heavy-duty trucks would increase by 7.29%, 9.93%, and 19.57%, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended to prioritize the promotion of hydrogen fuel cell coaches in the short term, heavy-duty trucks in the long term, and passenger cars as a supplement. Promoting hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in different regions and stages will help advance the low-carbon development of the automotive industry in China.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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