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摘要点击 1465  全文点击 453  投稿时间:2022-11-22  修订日期:2023-02-17
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中文关键词  无人机(UAV)  PM2.5  臭氧(O3)  大气污染探测  大气污染溯源
英文关键词  unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)  PM2.5  ozone(O3)  air pollution detection  air pollution source localization
曲雅微 金陵科技学院智能科学与控制工程学院, 南京 211169
南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室, 气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 南京 210044 
王体健 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023  
袁成 南京信息工程大学气象灾害教育部重点实验室, 气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心, 南京 210044 cyuan@nuist.edu.cn 
吴昊 南京气象科技创新研究院中国气象局交通气象重点开放实验室, 南京 210041  
      In recent years, the management of atmospheric fine particulate matter(PM2.5) pollution in China has achieved staged success, but ozone(O3) pollution has increased rapidly. Detection and source localization of atmospheric pollutants is the basis and key to controlling the combined pollution of PM2.5 and O3. With the rapid development of UAV technology and sensor technology, air pollution detection based on UAV platforms can effectively obtain the structural characteristics of PM2.5 and O3 near the surface and accurately trace the source of air pollution events by applying the computer algorithms, with the characteristics of high timeliness, flexibility, and spatial and temporal resolution. This will help researchers understand the distribution, changes, and sources of regional pollutants and provide a scientific basis for the synergistic control of combined air pollution. This study reviewed the traditional air pollution detection methods, summarized the types of UAV platforms and detection instruments commonly used in pollution detection, concluded the applications of UAV-based PM2.5 and O3 pollution detection and the algorithms of pollution source localization, and discussed the future trends of UAV-based air pollution detection.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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