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摘要点击 1690  全文点击 697  投稿时间:2021-08-28  修订日期:2021-09-29
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中文关键词  太湖  塑料添加剂  时空分布  生态风险  新冠疫情
英文关键词  Taihu Lake  plastic additives  spatiotemporal distribution  ecological risk  COVID-19 pandemic
刘舒娇 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122 liusj@nwsuaf.edu.cn 
丁剑楠 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122 djn@jiangnan.edu.cn 
石浚哲 江苏省无锡环境监测中心, 无锡 214000  
张军毅 江苏省无锡环境监测中心, 无锡 214000  
庄严 江苏省无锡环境监测中心, 无锡 214000  
邹华 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 无锡 214122 zouhua@jiangnan.edu.cn 
      为揭示新冠疫情背景下太湖塑料添加剂的时空分布和风险水平,研究了典型的双酚类、邻苯二甲酸酯类和苯并三唑类等塑料添加剂在太湖表层水体的赋存情况.对全太湖19个监测点位进行4个季度的监测,并评估其潜在的生态风险.结果表明,自2020年秋季至2021年夏季,双酚A (BPA)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)、邻苯二甲酸二(2-甲氧基)乙酯(DMEP)、邻苯二甲基丁基苄基酯(BBP)和苯并三唑(UV-328)在太湖表层水体中均有检出.DEP、DMEP、BBP、BPA和UV-328的检出率分别为100%、97%、58%、98%和7%.对比近年来的塑料添加剂污染水平可以发现,太湖的各类塑料添加剂污染水平并未随疫情背景下塑料制品用量的剧增而加重,反而因人类活动减缓而呈现下降趋势.太湖塑料添加剂检出浓度有明显的季度差异,春、夏季平均值高于秋、冬季,分别是104.7、100.3、30.7和29.9 ng ·L-1.其在空间分布上也具有一定的差异性,主要表现为高浓度点位聚集在太湖西南沿岸.生态风险评估结果表明,太湖塑料添加剂的赋存对藻类存在低风险,比例达30%,秋、冬季风险性高于春、夏季,BPA和UV-328可能是主要风险因子,应引起重视.
      To reveal the spatiotemporal distribution and risks of plastic additives in Taihu Lake during the COVID-19 pandemic, the occurrences of typical bisphenols, phthalate esters, and benzotriazoles in the surface water of Taihu Lake were investigated. The plastic additives in 19 sites in Taihu Lake were monitored in four seasons, and their potential ecological risks were evaluated. Diethylphthalate (DEP), dimethoxyethyl phthalate (DMEP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), bisphenol A (BPA), and 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-di-tert-pentylphenol (UV-328) were detected, with detection rates of 100%, 97%, 58%, 98%, and 7%, respectively. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the sharply increasing usage of plastic products did not result in a significant increase in the plastic additives pollution in Taihu Lake. Conversely, the pollution of plastic additives showed a decreasing trend due to reduced human activities. There were significant seasonal differences in the concentrations of plastic additives in Taihu Lake. The average concentrations of plastic additives in spring and summer were 104.7 and 100.3 ng·L-1, respectively, which were higher than those in autumn (30.7 ng·L-1) and winter (29.9 ng·L-1). The plastic additive pollution also showed some differences in spatial distribution. The concentrations of plastic additives near the southwest coast of Taihu Lake were higher than those in other monitoring sites. The presence of plastic additives in Taihu Lake showed low risks to algae with the proportion of 30%. The risks in autumn and winter were higher than those in spring and summer. BPA and UV-328 may have been the main risk factors, which should be of concern.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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