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摘要点击 2308  全文点击 876  投稿时间:2021-05-12  修订日期:2021-07-05
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中文关键词  臭氧(O3)  臭氧度量指标  总死亡  Meta分析  中国
英文关键词  ozone(O3)  ozone metrics  total mortality  Meta-analysis  China
阮芳芳 宁波财经学院国际经济贸易学院, 宁波 315175
中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872 
刘纪新 中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872 jixinliu@hotmail.com 
陈芷薇 中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872  
曾贤刚 中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872  
      探讨不同臭氧度量指标对我国人群总死亡风险的影响.基于中国知网、万方数据库、维普中文服务平台、Web of Science和PubMed数据库,检索了建库至2020年12月底发表的相关时间序列研究和病例交叉研究,最终纳入22项合格研究.按照臭氧每日1 h最大浓度(O3-M1h)、每日8 h最大平均浓度(O3-M8h)和每日24 h平均浓度(O3-24h)分别进行Meta分析.结果表明,O3-M1h指标(RR#,1.0052;95% CI,1.0031~1.0073)与人群总死亡风险增加的关联更加密切,O3-24h指标(RR#,1.0036;95% CI,1.0025~1.0048)和O3-M8h指标(RR#,1.0031;95% CI,1.0022~1.0041)关联较弱.3类指标的亚组分析表明,冷季臭氧的总死亡风险更高,老年人(≥ 65岁)更容易受臭氧污染的影响,且北方地区总死亡风险高于南方地区.
      This study explores the effect of different ozone metrics on the total mortality risk in China. Using the CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, Web of Science, and PubMed databases, the time series studies and case crossover studies from the establishment of each database to December 31, 2020 were retrieved, and 22 eligible studies were included in this analysis. A meta-analysis was performed for the ozone metrics of O3-M1h, O3-M8h, and O3-24h. The results indicated that the increase in the total mortality risk is more closely associated with O3-M1h (RR #, 1.0052; 95%CI, 1.0031-1.0073) and is more weakly associated with O3-24h (RR #, 1.0036; 95%CI, 1.0025-1.0048) and O3-M8h (RR #, 1.0031; 95%CI, 1.0022-1.0041). A subgroup analysis of the three metrics revealed that the total mortality risk of ozone is higher in the cold season, the elderly (≥ 65) are more vulnerable to ozone pollution, and the total mortality risk in the north is higher than that in the south.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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