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摘要点击 2139  全文点击 798  投稿时间:2018-02-02  修订日期:2018-04-10
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中文关键词  水色遥感  城市黑臭水体  吸收特性  水质参数  CDOM  光谱斜率
英文关键词  water color remote sensing  urban black-odor water body  absorption characteristics  water quality parameters  CDOM  spectral slope
丁潇蕾 南京师范大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京 210023 dingxiaolei_94@163.com 
李云梅 南京师范大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京 210023 liyunmei@njnu.edu.cn 
吕恒 南京师范大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京 210023  
朱利 环境保护部卫星环境应用中心, 北京 100029  
温爽 南京师范大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京 210023  
雷少华 南京师范大学江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心, 南京 210023  
      黑臭水体是城市水环境的一个严重问题,对城市黑臭水体光学特性进行分析,是利用遥感技术手段进行黑臭识别的前提与基础.2016~2017年采集了长沙、南京和无锡的城市黑臭水体共计85个样点,非黑臭水体共计80个样点,并对水样的悬浮物等水质参数浓度以及水体组分的吸收系数进行了测量.结果表明:①黑臭水体的总颗粒物吸收系数、非色素颗粒物吸收系数总体上高于非黑臭水体.②黑臭水体与非黑臭水体的CDOM吸收系数有明显的差异.由此可用CDOM吸收特征波段440 nm和不同波段范围内拟合的吸收系数曲线斜率对黑臭水体进行区分.城市黑臭水体吸收特性的分析,将为黑臭水体的遥感识别和监测提供有效的技术支撑.黑臭水体中的高CDOM浓度,可以作为遥感识别黑臭水的一个重要参考.
      The urban black-odor water body has become a serious problem of urban water environment and identifying their optical characteristics in urban areas is the prerequisite and basis for their detection by remote sensing. A total of 85 samples of urban black-odor water, from Changsha, Nanjing, and Wuxi, were collected from 2016 to 2017, and a total of 80 samples were collected from non-black-odor (smelly) water samples. The water quality parameters such as suspended matter and the absorption coefficient were measured. The results showed that:①The total black-odor water body particulate matter absorption coefficients and non-pigmented particulate matter absorption coefficients were generally higher than those for non-black-odor water bodies and they had a certain degree of discrimination at 440 nm, but their effect was not significant. The absorption of relatively high levels of particulate matter in black-odor water was mainly due to high absorption of non-pigmented particles. In the data collected, non-pigmented particles in black-odor water accounted for more than 50% of the total particles. ② The Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients for black-odor water bodies and non-black-odor water bodies differed. The average absorption coefficient of CDOM at 440 nm for black-odor water bodies was 1.7 times higher than that for non-black-odor water bodies. Thus, the black-odor water body can be distinguished by using the slope of the absorption coefficient curve fitted in the characteristic wavelength band of 440 nm, as well as in different wavelength bands; the overall effect is good. However, as the wavelength increases, the discrimination effect decreases. Analysis of the absorption characteristics of urban black-odor water bodies will provide effective technical support for their detection by remote sensing and supervision, and the density of CDOM in black-odor water was generally high, which could be used as an important reference for identification.

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