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摘要点击 2412  全文点击 933  投稿时间:2018-01-17  修订日期:2018-03-14
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中文关键词  游离氨  氨氧化细菌  比氨氮氧化速率  比亚硝态氮产生速率
英文关键词  free ammonia  ammonia-oxidizing bacteria  specific ammonia oxidation rate  specific nitrite production rate
孙洪伟 兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院, 兰州 730070
甘肃省污水处理行业技术中心, 兰州 730070 
于雪 兰州交通大学环境与市政工程学院, 兰州 730070
甘肃省污水处理行业技术中心, 兰州 730070 
高宇学 北京桑德环境工程有限公司设计院, 北京 101102  
李维维 甘肃省轻工研究院, 兰州 730070  
祁国平 甘肃省轻工研究院, 兰州 730070  
许涓 环境保护部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心, 北京 100029 xujuan@mepscc.cn 
      为探究游离氨(FA)对氨氧化细菌抑制动力学影响,本试验采用序批式活性污泥(SBR)反应器,在通过改变系统进水FA浓度以实现稳定的短程硝化,达到富集AOB目的基础上,以短程硝化污泥为对象,基于批次试验,考察不同FA浓度梯度下氨氧化过程比亚硝态氮产生速率(SNiPR)变化规律,进而拟合FA抑制AOB活性抑制动力学模型,并进行统计学分析.结果表明,当0.7 mg·L-1 ≤ FA ≤ 50.2 mg·L-1时,随着FA浓度升高,SNiPR(以N/VSS计)迅速升高.当FA ≥ 50.2 mg·L-1时,SNiPR随着FA浓度升高而降低.尤其当FA浓度高于687.1 mg·L-1时,SNiPR始终维持在0 g·(g·d)-1,表明AOB活性被完全抑制.相对于Haldane、Edwards-1#、Edwards-2#、Luong抑制动力学模型,Aiba模型最适合描述FA对AOB活性的抑制影响.其统计学常数:残差平方和(RSS)为0.005、相关系数(R2)为0.932、拟合方程的显著性差异(F)为181.7、可信度(P)为1.06×10-9.其动力学常数值:最大比亚硝态氮产生速率(rmax,以N/VSS计)为0.37 g·(g·d)-1;半饱和常数(KS)为11.78 mg·L-1;抑制常数(KI)为153.74 mg·L-1.
      In this study, a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated to investigate the inhibitory kinetics of free ammonia (FA) on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). At the beginning of the experiment, FA concentrations in influent were altered to achieve stable short-cut nitrification and enrich AOB. Nitritation sludge was then employed to study variations in the specific nitrite production rate (SNiPR) during the ammonia oxidation process of batch tests. Furthermore, a kinetic model of FA inhibition on AOB activity was fitted for statistical analysis. Results showed that SNiPR increased rapidly with increase in FA concentration (0.7 mg·L-1 ≤ FA ≤ 50.2 mg·L-1) but decreased with an increase in FA concentration (FA ≥ 50.2 mg·L-1). SNiPR was maintained at 0 g·(g·d)-1 when FA concentration was higher than 687.1 mg·L-1, implying that AOB activity was completely inhibited. Statistical analysis showed that, compared to Haldane, Edwards-1#, Edwards-2#, and Luong inhibition kinetics models, the Aiba model was the most suitable for describing the inhibitory effect of FA on AOB activity. The statistical constants, i.e., residual square sum (RSS) correlation coefficient (R2), F value of the fitting equation, and confidence degree (P) were 0.005, 0.932, 181.7, and 1.06×10-9, respectively. The dynamic constant values, i.e., maximum specific nitrite production rate (rmax), half saturation constant (KS), and inhibition constant (KI) were 0.37 g·(g·d)-1, 11.78 mg·L-1, and 153.74 mg·L-1, respectively.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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