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摘要点击 2761  全文点击 893  投稿时间:2017-12-12  修订日期:2018-01-30
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中文关键词  铅锌矿采矿场  重金属  污染评价  优势植物  积累能力
英文关键词  lead-zinc mining area  heavy metals  pollution assessment  dominant plants  accumulation ability
李俊凯 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 上海 200240
农业部都市农业(南方)重点实验室, 上海 200240 
张丹 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 上海 200240
农业部都市农业(南方)重点实验室, 上海 200240 
周培 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 上海 200240
农业部都市农业(南方)重点实验室, 上海 200240 
刘群录 上海交通大学农业与生物学院, 上海 200240
农业部都市农业(南方)重点实验室, 上海 200240
国家林业局上海城市森林生态系统国家定位观测研究站, 上海 200240 
      为了筛选可用于修复土壤重金属污染的植物材料,测定了南京市某铅锌矿采矿场土壤及样地内14种优势植物中Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn的含量,并分析了采矿场土壤重金属的污染状况和14种植物对这6种重金属元素的富集和转运能力.结果表明,矿区土壤中Cd、Mn、Zn、Pb的污染最为严重,单因子污染指数分别达到了45.71、11.68、10.40和4.46;样地的内梅罗综合污染指数为33.45,也达到重度污染级别.尽管各种重金属的含量不同,14种优势植物均表现出了较强的重金属耐受能力,其中井栏边草(Pteris multifida)和络石(Trachelospermum jasminoides)对6种重金属均表现出很高的富集能力.所有植物体内Zn含量均超出了正常范围,但仅马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)对Zn的生物富集系数大于1,其他植物的重金属生物富集系数均小于1.14种植物对重金属的生物转移系数较高,其中菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)和野菊(Dendranthema indicum)对6种重金属的生物转移系数均大于1.根据植物对重金属的吸收机制,可将14种植物分为3类:富集型植物,如菊芋(H.tuberosus)、野菊(D.indicum)、垂序商陆(Phytolacca americana)、爵床(Justicia procumbens)、马唐(D.sanguinalis)、山莴苣(Sonchus brachyotus)、龙葵(Solanum nigrum)和狗尾草(Setaria viridis);根部囤积型植物,如井栏边草(P.multifida)和络石(T.jasminoides);规避型植物,如一枝黄花(Solidago decurrens)、蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)、青绿苔草(Carex breviculmis)和贯众(Cyrtomium fortunei).
      To identify plants with potential application in phytoremediation, the concentration of cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in soil and 14 dominant plants sampled from a lead-zinc mining area in Nanjing City was measured. Furthermore, the heavy metal contamination of soil, and bioaccumulation and translocation of the 6 heavy metals by the 14 plants were evaluated. The results showed that the principal contaminants were Cd, Mn, Zn, and Pb, and their single factor pollution index was 45.71, 11.68, 10.40, and 4.46, respectively. Furthermore, the Nemerow index of this area was 33.45, which indicated that the mining area was severely polluted. All the 14 dominant plant species were metal-tolerant, although the concentration of metal varied between different spices. Among them, Pteris multifida and Trachelospermum jasminoides significantly accumulated the heavy metals. The concentration of Zn in all the dominant plants was beyond the normal range; however, the bio-concentration factor (BCF) of only Digitaria sanguinalis for Zn was>1, while the BCF of the remaining species for the 6 heavy metals was<1. Furthermore, the heavy metal bio-transfer factor (BTF) of the 14 species was generally high. The BTF of Helianthus tuberosus and Dendranthema indicum for the 6 heavy metals was>1. According to the mechanism of heavy metal accumulation, the 14 plant species were classified into 3 types:accumulators (H. tuberosus, D. indicum, Phytolacca americana, Justicia procumbens, D. sanguinalis, Sonchus brachyotus, Solanum nigrum, and Setaria viridis), root compartment (P. multifida and T. jasminoides), and excluders (Solidago decurrens, Duchesnea indica, Carex breviculmis, and Cyrtomium fortunei).

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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