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摘要点击 3235  全文点击 1143  投稿时间:2015-07-04  修订日期:2015-10-09
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中文关键词  氮形态  干支流  消落带  富营养化  落干期  三峡库区
英文关键词  nitrogen species  mainstream and its tributaries  water level fluctuating zone  eutrophication  dry period  Three Gorges Reservoir Areas
何立平 重庆三峡学院三峡库区水环境演变与污染防治重庆高校市级重点实验室, 重庆 404100
四川大学建筑与环境工程学院, 成都 610225 
刘丹 重庆三峡职业学院农林科技系, 重庆 404100  
于志国 南京信息工程大学水文气象学院, 南京 210044  
周斌 辽宁省气象科学研究所, 沈阳 110166  
杨振宇 重庆三峡学院三峡库区水环境演变与污染防治重庆高校市级重点实验室, 重庆 404100  
兰国新 重庆三峡学院三峡库区水环境演变与污染防治重庆高校市级重点实验室, 重庆 404100  
郭冬琴 重庆三峡学院三峡库区水环境演变与污染防治重庆高校市级重点实验室, 重庆 404100  
林俊杰 重庆三峡学院三峡库区水环境演变与污染防治重庆高校市级重点实验室, 重庆 404100
中国科学院重庆绿色智能技术研究院中国科学院水库水环境重点实验室, 重庆 400714 
      为探明三峡支流水体富营养化频发与库岸消落带土壤氮素"源-库"关系转化之间的内在关系,采用分级浸提法,分析了三峡库区长江万州段干流、苎溪河支流、密溪河支流消落带落干期土壤可转化态氮含量和分布特征. 结果表明,与三峡库区万州段干流相比,支流消落带落干期土壤有机质和总氮含量较高,而阳离子交换量(CEC)和pH值较低. 三峡干支流消落带土壤可转化态氮(TF-N)以OSF-N (有机态和硫化物结合态)为主,且含量上OSF-N>IMOF-N (铁锰氧化物结合态氮)>IEF-N (离子交换态氮)>CF-N (碳酸盐结合态氮); 而空间分布上,TF-N表现为:密溪河 >苎溪河 >长江干流,4种TF-N形态中IEF-N和OSF-N在干支流间无显著差异,而CF-N和IMOF-N分布与TF-N相反,是造成干支流消落带TF-N差异的主要因素.
      In order to find the intrinsic correlation between water eutrophication and transformation of nitrogen in soil of water level fluctuating zone(WLFZ) of Three Gorges Reservoir Areas(TGRA), the method of sequential extraction process was applied to analyze the content and distribution characteristics of total transferable nitrogen(TF-N) in the mainstream of Yangtze River (Wanzhou section) and its tributaries of Mixi and Zhuxi River. The results showed that, compared with the main stream, the contents of soil organic matter (SOM) and total nitrogen (TN) were higher, while cation exchange capacity(CEC) and pH value were lower in the tributaries during the dry period. The main species of TF-N in soil was organic matter-sulfide form of nitrogen (OSF-N) in the WLFZ and the content of different TF-N species was in the order of OSF-N>iron-manganese oxide form of nitrogen (IMOF-N)>ion extractable form of nitrogen (IEF-N) >carbonate form of nitrogen (CF-N). The spatial distribution pattern of total TF-N was in the order of Zhuxi River > Mixi Valley > the main stem of Yangtze River. There were no significant differences between IEF-N and OSF-N contents both in the main and tributaries of Yangtze River. The distribution of CF-N and IMOF-N had similar patterns, whereas the TF-N showed a reverse pattern in comparison with the former two species in the main and tributary of Yangtze River, which was a main factor of TF-N differences between the main steam and tributaries of the Yangtze River.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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