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摘要点击 3818  全文点击 1484  投稿时间:2014-06-13  修订日期:2014-09-01
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中文关键词  传输路径  PM2.5  散射系数  散射效率  上甸子本底站
英文关键词  transport pathway  PM2.5  scattering coefficients  scattering efficiency  Shangdianzi background station
蒲维维 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所, 北京 100089
京津冀环境气象预报预警中心, 北京 100089 
石雪峰 中国气象局, 北京 100081  
马志强 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所, 北京 100089
京津冀环境气象预报预警中心, 北京 100089 
赵秀娟 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所, 北京 100089
京津冀环境气象预报预警中心, 北京 100089 
张小玲 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所, 北京 100089
京津冀环境气象预报预警中心, 北京 100089 
徐晓峰 石景山区气象局, 北京 100043  
      利用2005~2010年北京上甸子本底站的PM2.5浓度、气溶胶散射系数(σsp)的连续观测资料,结合后向轨迹分析方法,探讨了不同季节、不同气团传输路径对本底地区气溶胶光学特性的影响. 结果表明,污染物水平不仅与气团来向有关,也与气团的运动状态有关. 偏南气团路径下的PM2.5浓度和σsp整体高于偏北气团路径,同时运动速度较慢、高度较低的气团路径多对应较高的PM2.5浓度和σsp. 春、夏、秋季来自华北平原地区以及冬季来自华北区域北部的慢速、低气团对上甸子的污染水平有重要贡献. 沙尘气溶胶多出现在春季,平均气溶胶质量散射效率(αsp)为0.78 m2·g-1. 四季平均人为污染气溶胶的αsp为4.00 m2·g-1,其中冬季最高,春季最低. 对于人为污染气溶胶来说,春、夏、秋三季的西北偏西路径、偏南路径以及偏北路径中速度较慢的轨迹组均具有较高的αsp(>4.0 m2·g-1),表明这些气团路径受人为排放活动影响较大,而冬季各路径的αsp均较高,说明冬季区域内人为排放的影响比较一致. 春、夏、秋三季中其他偏北的气团路径主要受到人为污染与沙尘气溶胶的共同影响.
      The impact of transport pathways on aerosol properties at Shangdianzi (SDZ) background station was analyzed using the back trajectory analysis method with the observation of PM2.5 concentration and aerosol scattering coefficients (σsp) during 2005-2010. The results showed that the pollutant level at SDZ was influenced by both the direction and motion state of air masses. The southerly transport pathways of air masses had higher PM2.5 concentration and σsp than those of northerly pathways. The air masses with lower moving speed and altitude generally corresponded to higher PM2.5 concentration and σsp. Air masses originated from the North China Plain in spring, summer and autumn, and air masses from the north of North China region in winter had a significant contribution to PM2.5 concentration and σsp at SDZ. Dust aerosol appeared frequently in spring, and the mean scattering efficiency (αsp) was 0.78 m2·g-1. The mean αsp of anthropogenic aerosol of four seasons was 4.00 m2·g-1 with the highest value in winter and the lowest in spring. The west-northwest, southerly pathways, and the northerly pathways with low moving speed in spring, summer and autumn correspond to higher αsp(>4.0 m2·g-1). This indicated that these pathways were affected by the emissions form human activities. However, the αsp in winter kept at a high level among all pathways, which suggested that the emission effect was relatively uniform in surrounding regions in winter. The other northerly pathways in spring, summer and autumn were affected by anthropogenic pollutants mixed with dust.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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