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摘要点击 2754  全文点击 1508  投稿时间:2014-01-23  修订日期:2014-04-04
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中文关键词  汽车  超细颗粒  汽油  数浓度  粒径分布
英文关键词  vehicle  ultrafine particles  gasoline  number concentration  size distribution
陆叶强 杭州职业技术学院青年汽车学院, 杭州 310018 13858112568@163.com 
陈秋方 中国计量学院计量测试工程学院, 杭州 310018  
孙在 中国计量学院计量测试工程学院, 杭州 310018  
蔡志良 中国计量学院计量测试工程学院, 杭州 310018  
杨文俊 中国计量学院计量测试工程学院, 杭州 310018  
      采用快速迁移率粒径谱仪(fast mobility particle sizer,FMPS)结合汽车尾气分析仪对3辆不同型号汽车排放超细颗粒数浓度进行测量,分析了空载情况不同转速下排气管附近超细颗粒数浓度及粒径谱特征. 结果表明,在怠速800 r ·min-1情况下,汽车排放的颗粒数浓度最低,随着空载转速的增加颗粒数浓度呈增高趋势. 尾气颗粒以核模态和爱根核模态为主,峰值粒径集中在10 nm和50 nm. 汽车加速过程排放颗粒数浓度有明显的急剧升高过程,在车速稳定后颗粒物浓度趋于稳定. 在排气管尾部轴向距离0.4 m范围内颗粒稀释后数浓度衰减迅速,在0.4~1 m范围稀释不明显,均大于背景浓度. 空载情况下随发动机转速增加,汽车排放尾气CO、HC和NO浓度呈减少趋势,与颗粒物数浓度排放趋势相反.
      Ultrafine particle (UFP) number concentrations obtained from three different vehicles were measured using fast mobility particle sizer (FMPS) and automobile exhaust gas analyzer. UFP number concentration and size distribution were studied at different idle driving speeds. The results showed that at a low idle speed of 800 r ·min-1, the emission particle number concentration was the lowest and showed a increasing trend with the increase of idle speed. The majority of exhaust particles were in Nuclear mode and Aitken mode. The peak sizes were dominated by 10 nm and 50 nm. Particle number concentration showed a significantly sharp increase during the vehicle acceleration process, and was then kept stable when the speed was stable. In the range of 0.4 m axial distance from the end of the exhaust pipe, the particle number concentration decayed rapidly after dilution, but it was not obvious in the range of 0.4-1 m. The number concentration was larger than the background concentration. Concentration of exhaust emissions such as CO, HC and NO showed a reducing trend with the increase of idle speed,which was in contrast to the emission trend of particle number concentration.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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