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摘要点击 2630  全文点击 1774  投稿时间:2013-01-03  修订日期:2013-03-01
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中文关键词  紫外辐射  腐殖酸  红外光谱  混凝  化学稳定性
英文关键词  UV radiation  humic acid  infra-red spectrum  coagulation  chemical stability
王文东 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
浙江清华长三角研究院生态环境研究所, 嘉兴 314006 
周礼川 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055  
丁真真 长安大学环境科学与工程学院, 西安 710064  
王洪平 西安水业运营有限公司曲江水厂, 西安 710061  
孙学军 西安水业运营有限公司曲江水厂, 西安 710061  
      腐殖酸广泛存在于各类地表水体中,分子结构对其物化性质有着显著影响. 为探明紫外辐射过程对腐殖酸化学稳定性的影响途径,本研究采用光谱学和电化学技术考察了酚羟基和羧基等活性位点含量、胶体Zeta电位及其平均粒径等结构参数在辐射前后的变化特征. 研究发现,未经辐射的水样,混凝过程对腐殖酸无明显去除效果. 随着辐射时间的增加,腐殖酸的去除率大幅提高. 照射3 h后,腐殖酸的去除率在80%以上. 光谱分析结果表明,紫外辐射后腐殖酸分子中部分具有荧光效应的基团可能发生脱落或重排,但其芳香结构并未发生明显变化. 胶体的Zeta电位和平均粒径均呈下降趋势,不利于腐殖酸的聚集沉淀; 然而,腐殖酸分子中的羟基含量在辐射后略有下降,并伴随羧基和羰基等官能团的形成. 活性位点数量及其反应活性的改善是腐殖酸化学稳定下降的主要原因.
      Humic acid widely presents in various surface waters. Molecular structure has significant impacts on its physical and chemical properties. To explore the stability variation of humic acid before and after the UV light radiation, spectroscopic and electrochemical analysis were applied in this paper. Structural parameters selected in the experiments include reactive sites, such as phenolic hydroxyl and carboxyl contents, Zeta potential, and colloidal size. It was found that there was little humic acid being removed in the solution without UV radiation pretreatment; while its remove ratio increased notably with radiation time. After 3 h pretreatment, humic acid removal ratio was above 80% in coagulation. Spectroscopy analysis results showed that partial of the groups with fluorescent effects might be shed or rearranged after the radiation; while its aromatic structure was not destroyed. Both the Zeta potential and average colloidal size decreased with the radiation time, which was not conducive to the aggregation of humic acid. However, —OH content decreased slightly after the UV radiation, and new carboxyl and carbonyl groups formed simultaneously. The increasing of the reactive sites and the improvement of the reaction effectiveness were the major reasons leading to humic acid stability decrease in PACl coagulation.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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