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摘要点击 2784  全文点击 1642  投稿时间:2012-03-31  修订日期:2012-05-08
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中文关键词  重金属  生物可利用度  微生物全细胞传感器  监测  原位  在线
英文关键词  heavy metal  bioavailability  microbial whole-cell biosensor  monitoring  in situ  on line
侯启会 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境生物技术研究室,北京 100085 houqihui190@163.com 
马安周 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境生物技术研究室,北京 100085  
庄绪亮 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境生物技术研究室,北京 100085  
庄国强 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境生物技术研究室,北京 100085 gqzhuang@rcees.ac.cn 
      传统的物理化学方法主要用于测定环境重金属的总量,微生物全细胞传感器可以对土壤及水体环境的重金属生物可利用度进行监测. 此外,微生物全细胞传感器还具有操作简单、快速、经济的特点,适用于污染事件的应急监测. 微生物全细胞传感器的生物学元件主要由MerR、ArsR、RS等家族的金属调控蛋白和gfpluxluc等报告基因组成. 调控蛋白、报告基因与微生物全细胞传感器的灵敏度、特异性和监测特点有关. 受pH、金属螯合物及检测条件等因素的影响,不同的环境条件下的重金属生物可利用度是不同的. 增加重金属在微生物细胞内的累积,进行调控蛋白的分子生物学改造,优化检测条件是提高传感器灵敏度、特异性和准确性的可行方案. 实现污染物的原位和在线监测是微生物全细胞传感器的主要发展方向.
      Microbial whole-cell biosensor is an excellent tool to assess the bioavailability of heavy metal in soil and water. However, the traditional physicochemical instruments are applied to detect the total metal. Furthermore, microbial whole-cell biosensor is simple, rapid and economical in manipulating, and is thus a highly qualified candidate for emergency detection of pollution incidents. The biological component of microbial whole-cell biosensor mostly consists of metalloregulatory proteins and reporter genes. In detail, metalloregulatory proteins mainly include the MerR family, ArsR family and RS family, and reporter genes mainly include gfp,lux and luc. Metalloregulatory protein and reporter gene are related to the sensitivity, specificity and properties in monitoring. The bioavailability of heavy metals is alterable under different conditions, influenced by pH, chelate and detection methods and so on. Increasing the accumulation of intracellular heavy metal, modifying the metalloregulatory proteins and optimizing the detecting conditions are important for improving the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the microbial whole-cell biosensor. The future direction of microbial whole-cell biosensor is to realize the monitoring of pollutions in situ and on line.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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