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摘要点击 3208  全文点击 1890  投稿时间:2012-03-28  修订日期:2012-05-14
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中文关键词  TSP  PM2.1  PM1.1  大气气溶胶  水溶性无机离子
英文关键词  TSP  PM2.1  PM1.1  aerosol  water-soluble inorganic ion
李杏茹 首都师范大学化学系,北京 100048 songaili86@gmail.com 
宋爱利 首都师范大学化学系,北京 100048  
王英锋 首都师范大学化学系,北京 100048  
孙颖 首都师范大学化学系,北京 100048  
刘子锐 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室,北京 100029  
王跃思 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室,北京 100029 wys@dq.cern.ac.cn 
      2009年9月~2010年8月在兴隆大气背景站,利用Andersen分级采样器进行大气气溶胶样品的采集,并利用离子色谱分析了其中的水溶性无机离子的成分含量. 结果表明,TSP、PM2.1和PM1.1中总水溶性无机盐的年平均浓度分别为(89.66±47.66)、(54.44±34.08)和(44.39±29.95) μg·m-3, 其中SO42-、NO3-、Ca2+和NH4+为兴隆大气气溶胶中最主要的水溶性无机离子. PM2.1中总水溶性无机离子的年平均浓度占TSP的61%. PM1.1总水溶性无机离子的年平均浓度占TSP的50%,占PM2.1的82%. PM1.1、PM2.1和TSP中水溶性无机离子总浓度季节性变化趋势一致,夏季>秋季>春季>冬季. NH4+与SO42-的摩尔比>2, 表明NH4+未被SO42-完全中和. 在细粒子中NH4+和SO42-、NO3-均有较好的相关性,相关系数分别为0.96和0.87,表明NH4+可能以(NH4)2SO4和NH4NO3的形式存在.
      Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected using Andersen cascade sampler from Sep. 2009 to Aug. 2010 in Xinglong, a regional atmospheric background station. The water-soluble inorganic ions were analyzed by IC. The result showed that the annual concentrations of the total water-soluble inorganic ions were (89.66±47.66), (54.44±34.08) and (44.39±29.95) μg·m-3 in TSP, PM2.1and PM1.1, respectively. SO42-, NO3-, Ca2+ and NH4+ were the dominant contributors of water-soluble inorganic ions. The total water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.1 accounted for 61% of TSP. The total water-soluble inorganic ions in PM1.1 accounted for 50% and 82% in TSP and PM2.1,respectively. The seasonal variations of the total water-soluble inorganic ion concentration in TSP, PM2.1 and PM1.1 were the same, following the order of summer>autumn>springs>winter. The mean molar ratio of NH4+ to SO42- was larger than 2, indicating that NH4+ was not completely neutralized by SO42-.NH4+-SO42- and NH4+-NO3- concentrations were strongly correlated (R2 0.96 and 0.87), indicating that NH4+ was mainly present as (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3.

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电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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