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摘要点击 2718  全文点击 1371  投稿时间:2012-01-22  修订日期:2012-05-10
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中文关键词  流域  湿地  营养盐  水质  天目湖  饮用水源地
英文关键词  watershed  wetland  nutrient  water quality  Tiammu Lake  drinking water sources area
李兆富 南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院, 南京 210095 lizhaofu@njau.edu.cn 
刘红玉 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京 210046  
李恒鹏 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室, 南京 210008  
      选择太湖地区天目湖饮用水源地的平桥河流域与中田河流域,综合利用遥感、GIS技术和野外水质监测、实验室分析等方法,对流域湿地与河流水质关系进行研究. 结果表明:1平桥河流域与中田河流域湿地数量多,斑块密度分别为7.5个·km-2与7.1个·km-2. 平桥流域湿地上下游分布广泛,多位于距离河流500 m范围之外,中田河流域湿地则相对集中于下游河段500 m范围内. 2湿地对流域氮磷营养盐输出具有显著的截留效果. 中田流域湿地对氮具有较强的截留效果,氮素浓度自上游至下游降低明显,而对磷的截留效果表现不明显. 从季节响应来看,中田流域湿地在春季和冬季表现出TN和DTN浓度与流域湿地面积百分比明显的负相关关系,平桥流域湿地则在秋季对氮输出具有显著影响,表明湿地对氮磷的截留功效具有强烈的季节效应. 3合理恢复一定数量的湿地面积,特别是增加河道附近湿地面积和数量,对河流水质具有改善作用. 但氮磷营养盐在流域内的输移过程复杂,湿地的面积、位置、密度、生态系统结构等因素以及流域空间尺度、地形坡度、采样时间间隔及其它土地利用类型等因素都对物质输移过程产生影响,相关理论与实践研究有待于深入展开.
      Focused on understanding the function of wetland in improving water quality, Pingqiao watershed and Zhongtian watershed in Tianmu Lake drinking water sources area were selected as the research region. We integrated remote sensing, GIS techniques with field investigation and chemical analysis to analyze the relationship between wetland and water quality in watershed scale. Results show: 1 There are many wetland patches in Pingqiao and Zhongtian watershed, wetlands patch densities were respectively 7.5 km-2 and 7.1 km-2. Wetlands widely distributed in the Pingqiao watershed with mostly located away from the river of 500 m, whereas wetlands relatively concentrated in the lower reach within 500 meters of riverside in Zhongtian watershed. 2 Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient retention of wetland in watershed scale was significant. The annual mean TN and DTN concentration had a strong relationship with percent area of wetlands in Zhongtian watershed while the weakest relationship was found with TP and DTP concentrations, especially, the mean TN and DTN concentrations in spring and winter had the significantly negative relationship with wetland areas of watershed. The negative relationship was existed for nitrogen in autumn of Pingqiao watershed, which suggested that watersheds varying in area of wetlands have the different nutrient reducing efficiency in seasonal periods. 3 A certain number and area of wetland will improve river water quality in watershed scale, which can instruct water environment treatment. However, considering the complexity of nutrient transport processes in watershed, wetland-related factors such as area, location, density, ecosystem structure and watershed-related factors such as temporal interval, spatial scales, slope and land use will impact on the transport processes, and related theoretical and practical problems need further research.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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