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摘要点击 1500  全文点击 1002  投稿时间:2011-12-31  修订日期:2012-02-11
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中文关键词  微型小区  水蚀过程  降雨  下垫面  植株  前期水分  格局
英文关键词  micro-plot  water erosion process  rainfall  earth surface  plant morphology  antecedent soil moisture  pattern
卫伟 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100085 weiwei@rcees.ac.cn 
贾福岩 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100085
中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049 
陈利顶 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室, 北京 100085  
吴东平 甘肃省定西市水土保持科学研究所, 定西 743000  
陈瑾 甘肃省定西市水土保持科学研究所, 定西 743000  
      黄土高原严重的土壤侵蚀是降雨和复杂脆弱的下垫面共同作用的结果.以微型小区尺度上(1.2 m×1.2 m; 2 m×1.2 m)模拟降雨技术为基本研究手段,定量刻画了降雨量和降雨强度等基本降雨特征值对定西安家沟自然坡面上荒草、沙棘中位、沙棘下位、沙棘上位、结皮裸地和裸地等不同植株微观格局及其处理下的水蚀过程的影响.主要取得以下结果:1雨强和雨量对水蚀的发生均能产生显著影响,但以雨强的影响力更大; 2前期土壤含水量与产流时间显著负相关,而与径流量和侵蚀量显著正相关.前期含水量相同时,不同植株微景观格局对产流时间发挥了关键作用; 3不同植株及其微观格局遏制地表径流的能力迥异.在50~60 mm ·h-1的大雨强作用下,有沙棘覆盖的小区径流系数仅为5%~8%,荒草地为25%,结皮裸地为45%,而裸地则高达63%; 4有沙棘覆盖的小区中,沙棘在小区中所处的具体位置对于水土流失效应又极为重要,以沙棘下位的水土保持效果最好.
      Severe water erosion in the key loess hilly area is affected by the coupling role of rainfall and earth surface features. In this study, rainfall simulation techniques at the micro-plot scale (1.2 m×1.2 m; 2 m×1.2 m) was used as the basic measures, the relations between rainfall depth, intensity and runoff-erosion under different plant morphology features as well as micro-landscape positions were quantified and analyzed. Several key findings were captured. Firstly, rainfall depth and intensity both affected water erosion significantly, while the role of the rainfall intensity was more important than that of the depth. Secondly, a strong negative correlation was found between the antecedent soil moisture content and the generation timing of surface runoff, while water erosion had a positive relation with the antecedent soil moisture. Thirdly, different plant morphology and micro-landscape positions of shrub plant (seabuckthorn) played different roles leading to different rates of surface runoff and soil erosion. Dominated by a rainfall intensity ranging from 50 to 60 mm ·h-1, runoff coefficient in those micro-plots covered by seabuckthorn was about 5%-8%, and changed into 25%, 45% and 63% in grassland-plots, bared plots covered by biological-crust and bared plots without any coverage, respectively. Fourthly, the specific landscape position of seabuckthorn in the plots was also found to play a key role in affecting water erosion processes, and seabuckthorn at the lower landscape position, rather than the upper and middle position, played a better buffering role in reducing runoff and soil loss.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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