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摘要点击 3238  全文点击 2011  投稿时间:2011-10-19  修订日期:2012-01-11
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中文关键词  三峡水库  香溪河  倒灌异重流  营养盐  干流补给
英文关键词  Three Gorges Reservoir  Xiangxi Bay  adverse slope density flow  nutrients  river supplies
张宇 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002 langren1986126@yahoo.cn 
刘德富 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002
三峡库区生态环境教育部工程研究中心(三峡大学), 宜昌 443002 
纪道斌 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002  
杨正健 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002
武汉大学水利水电学院, 武汉 430072 
陈媛媛 三峡大学水利与环境学院, 宜昌 443002  
      三峡水库蓄水以来,其支流库湾每年均暴发严重的春季水华.为研究三峡水库支流营养盐受干流的逆向影响,于2010年对三峡水库库首区域最大的支流香溪河库湾水流特点及总氮、总磷的时空动态分布进行了详细监测.研究发现库湾水体表现为分层异向流动,存在明显的倒灌异重流现象,分别以表、中、底3种形式倒灌入香溪河库湾; 特定的水流特性为库湾营养物质的运输提供了水动力基础,香溪河河口处由干流倒灌输入总氮、总磷的平均瞬时通量分别为501.92 g ·s-1、48.17 g ·s-1,在2010年干流倒灌输入香溪河库湾的总氮、总磷污染负荷分别占总量的43.4%、21.5%.结果表明,倒灌输入的总氮、总磷占有很大的比例,同时加强三峡水库支流及干流上游流域污染控制才是有效控制支流水华发生的根本途径.
      Frequent spring blooms have been observed in tributary bays of Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) since its initial filling. In order to study Three Gorges Reservoir of nutrients by the River tributaries reverse effect, a well-designed field monitoring plan was conducted. The results show: there are significant intrusions from Three Gorges Reservoir to Xiangxi Bay to the surface, middle and bottom with three forms of intrusion respectively. The unique flow characteristics provide a hydrodynamic background of nutrient distributions of Xiangxi Bay. The average instantaneous fluxes of the input TN and TP of the intrusions from the confluence were 501.92 g ·s-1 and 48.17 g ·s-1, respectively; TN and TP loads originated from intrusions accounted for 43.4% and 21.5%, respectively to total amount in the whole year. The study shows that intrusion of the total nitrogen input, a large proportion of total phosphorus, and reducing the pollution loads of tributaries and upper reach basin of Three Gorges Reservoir is the fundamental way to eradicate algal blooms.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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