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摘要点击 2553  全文点击 1335  投稿时间:2011-05-30  修订日期:2011-09-16
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中文关键词  风化作用  水化学指标  δ13CHCO3-  δ34SSO42-  嘉陵江
英文关键词  weathering  hydrochemical index  δ13CHCO3-  δ34SSO42-  Jialing River
肖琼 西南大学地理科学学院,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,北碚 400715 xiaoqiong-8423@163.com 
沈立成 西南大学地理科学学院,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,北碚 400715  
杨雷 西南大学地理科学学院,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,北碚 400715  
伍坤宇 西南大学地理科学学院,三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,北碚 400715  
陈展图 南宁市社会科学院,南宁 530022  
      以西南地区典型喀斯特流域,长江上游一级支流嘉陵江温塘峡段为例,连续2 a按月取样,并通过水化学分析、同位素分析等方法,研究得出嘉陵江温塘峡段水化学类型受地层控制,为HCO3--Ca型.在稀释作用的影响下,除HNO3-的浓度因受人类活动的影响雨季偏大外,其余大部分离子浓度雨季较旱季偏小.所有样品的(Ca2++Mg2+)/HCO3-(浓度比)在0.5~1之间,(Ca2++Mg2+)/(HCO3-+SO42-)(浓度比)大部分处于0.5~1之间,由此表明嘉陵江风化作用主要以碳酸的风化和硫酸风化碳酸岩盐为主,硫酸岩盐的风化为辅.根据同位素分析结果表明嘉陵江水中δ13CHCO3-值为-8.74‰~-7.36‰,δ34SSO42-值旱季为14.43‰,雨季为12.21‰,表明硫酸对碳酸盐岩的风化作用和硫酸盐岩自身的风化作用在雨季均表现更强,其中,硫酸岩盐自身的风化作用在雨季强度更大,而旱季碳酸对碳酸盐岩的风化作用比较强.
      Jialing River is a 1st grade tributary of upstream Yangzi River. In two years, Samples were collected monthly in Wentang Gorge section of Jialing River and analyzed multi-parameters including hydrochemistry and isotopes. Thus, a general result was concluded that the hydrochemical characteristic of Jialing River in Wentang gorge is controlled by weathering of stratum and the hydrochemical type is HCO3--Ca. Most irons were influenced by dilution, which had higher concentrations in dry season than that in rainy season, but nitrate. Nitrate, which was controlled by human activities, has higher concentrations in rainy season. However, some other analyst revealed weathering impacts. The contrast ratio of (Ca2++Mg2+) and HCO3- were between 0.5-1, the same as (Ca2++Mg2+) and (HCO3-+SO42-), Which implied that the weathering impacts in this basin was mainly carbonated and sulfate weathering of carbonated, and sulphate rocks weathering was not so significant. The values of δ13CHCO3- in Jialing River were -8.74‰--7.36‰, and δ34SSO42- was 14.43‰ in dry season and 12.21‰ in rainy season. The data of isotopes inferred that, in rainy season sulfate weathering of carbonated and sulphate rocks weathering both had more impacts and sulphate rocks weathering played a more important role than sulfate weathering of carbonated, but, in dry season, carbonated weathering of carbonated was more meaningful.

主办单位:中国科学院生态环境研究中心 单位地址:北京市海淀区双清路18号
电话:010-62941102 邮编:100085 E-mail: hjkx@rcees.ac.cn
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